LinuxCNC 2.6.0 Released
Howdy folks, at long last LinuxCNC 2.6.0 is here.
Here is a summary of changes since 2.5, although if you've been
following the 2.6 pre-release announcements you already have more detail
than what's here:
If you want to upgrade from an existing LinuxCNC 2.5 installation,
carefully follow the instructions here:
If you want to make a fresh install of LinuxCNC 2.6, the easiest way is
to use the Debian Wheezy installer, instructions here:
Thanks to the many, many people who have contributed to this effort by
writing code, testing, reporting bugs, and helping each other on the
mailing lists, forums, and IRC.
Here's to many more years of progress together.
-- Sebastian Kuzminsky
A couple of notes:
Download the iso file and burn it to a DVD.
To install pick graphical install at the first prompt.
To enable auto login edit etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and look for the [SeatDefaults] section
mousepad is similar to gedit so open a terminal and:
sudo mousepad etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
If you prefer gedit then you need to update apt-get
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gedit
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