Embedding ngcgui in EMC 2.4.x 2 Months ago Karma: 45 This is a short step by step to install Dewey Garretts ngcgui into Axis assuming you have EMC2 2.4 installed on Ubuntu 8.04 and not a RIP. Open up a terminal and type the following commands cd emc2 mkdir ngcgui cd ngcgui wget gnipsel.com/shop/emc2/ngcgui/ngcgui.tgz or wget www.panix.com/-dgarrett/ngcguilngcgui.tgz tar zxf ngcgui.tgz sudo apt-get install libtk-img Now you have the files located in emc2/ngcgui/t\ngcgui tst directory. Using the file browser copy the following files to your config directory tkapp.py (2.4 only) ngcgui_app.tcl ngcgui.tci ngcgui ttt.tcl Now copy the following files from the testsuite directory to the emc2/nc files directory. gosper.ngc gosper.png hw.ngc ihex.ngc iquad.ngc iquad.png xyz.ngc xyz.png Now open your ini file and add the following to the [DISPLAY] section. USER-COMMAND-FILE = tkapp.py TKAP= ngcgui app.tcl NGCGUI = ngcgui.tcl NGCGUI_FONT = Courier -10 normal NGCGUI_PREAMBLE = /home/username/emc2/nc files/in _std.ngc NGCGUI_SUBFILE = /home/usemame/emc2/nc files/simp.ngc NGCGUI SUBFILE = /home/username/emc2/nc files/iquad.ngc NGCGUISUBFILE = /home/username/emc2/nc fles/gosper.ngc NGCGUI_ OPTIONS = nonew noremove nonew This should get you up and going with embedded ngcgui. Thanks Dewey!