0 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'audit', 'fix' ] 1 info using npm@8.1.0 2 info using node@v16.13.0 3 timing npm:load:whichnode Completed in 0ms 4 timing config:load:defaults Completed in 2ms 5 timing config:load:file:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc Completed in 5ms 6 timing config:load:builtin Completed in 5ms 7 timing config:load:cli Completed in 3ms 8 timing config:load:env Completed in 0ms 9 timing config:load:file:/media/tomp/toms4T/2021/cadcamctl/ctl/emc/Hal-Editor-webbased/HAL-Editor-master/.npmrc Completed in 0ms 10 timing config:load:project Completed in 1ms 11 timing config:load:file:/home/tomp/.npmrc Completed in 1ms 12 timing config:load:user Completed in 3ms 13 timing config:load:file:/usr/local/etc/npmrc Completed in 0ms 14 timing config:load:global Completed in 0ms 15 timing config:load:validate Completed in 1ms 16 timing config:load:credentials Completed in 1ms 17 timing config:load:setEnvs Completed in 2ms 18 timing config:load Completed in 19ms 19 timing npm:load:configload Completed in 19ms 20 timing npm:load:setTitle Completed in 0ms 21 timing npm:load:setupLog Completed in 1ms 22 timing config:load:flatten Completed in 5ms 23 timing npm:load:cleanupLog Completed in 3ms 24 timing npm:load:configScope Completed in 0ms 25 timing npm:load:projectScope Completed in 1ms 26 timing npm:load Completed in 32ms 27 timing arborist:ctor Completed in 1ms 28 silly audit bulk request { 28 silly audit '@babel/code-frame': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/compat-data': [ '7.14.7' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/core': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/generator': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-annotate-as-pure': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-compilation-targets': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider': [ '0.2.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-explode-assignable-expression': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-function-name': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-get-function-arity': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-hoist-variables': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions': [ '7.14.7' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-module-imports': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-module-transforms': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-optimise-call-expression': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-plugin-utils': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-replace-supers': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-simple-access': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-split-export-declaration': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-validator-identifier': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-validator-option': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helper-wrap-function': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/helpers': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/highlight': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/parser': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions': [ '7.14.7' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-static-block': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread': [ '7.14.7' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators': [ '7.8.4' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties': [ '7.12.13' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-class-static-block': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import': [ '7.8.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-export-namespace-from': [ '7.8.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings': [ '7.8.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators': [ '7.10.4' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator': [ '7.8.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator': [ '7.10.4' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread': [ '7.8.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding': [ '7.8.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining': [ '7.8.3' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-private-property-in-object': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-classes': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring': [ '7.14.7' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-for-of': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-function-name': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-literals': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex': [ '7.14.7' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-new-target': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-object-super': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-parameters': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-property-literals': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-development': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-react-pure-annotations': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-spread': [ '7.14.6' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-template-literals': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/preset-env': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/preset-modules': [ '0.1.4' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/preset-react': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/runtime': [ '7.13.10' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/template': [ '7.14.5' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/traverse': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@babel/types': [ '7.14.8' ], 28 silly audit '@discoveryjs/json-ext': [ '0.5.3' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/babel-plugin': [ '11.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'escape-string-regexp': [ '4.0.0', '1.0.5' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/cache': [ '11.4.0' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/hash': [ '0.8.0' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/is-prop-valid': [ '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/memoize': [ '0.7.5' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/react': [ '11.4.0' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/serialize': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/sheet': [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/styled': [ '11.3.0' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/unitless': [ '0.7.5' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/utils': [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit '@emotion/weak-memoize': [ '0.2.5' ], 28 silly audit '@material-ui/core': [ '4.12.2' ], 28 silly audit '@material-ui/styles': [ '4.11.4' ], 28 silly audit csstype: [ '2.6.17', '3.0.8' ], 28 silly audit '@material-ui/system': [ '4.12.1' ], 28 silly audit '@material-ui/types': [ '5.1.0' ], 28 silly audit '@material-ui/utils': [ '4.11.2' ], 28 silly audit '@nodelib/fs.scandir': [ '2.1.5' ], 28 silly audit '@nodelib/fs.stat': [ '2.0.5' ], 28 silly audit '@nodelib/fs.walk': [ '1.2.8' ], 28 silly audit '@projectstorm/geometry': [ '6.6.0' ], 28 silly audit '@projectstorm/react-canvas-core': [ '6.6.0' ], 28 silly audit '@projectstorm/react-diagrams': [ '6.6.0' ], 28 silly audit '@projectstorm/react-diagrams-core': [ '6.6.0' ], 28 silly audit '@projectstorm/react-diagrams-defaults': [ '6.6.0' ], 28 silly audit '@projectstorm/react-diagrams-routing': [ '6.6.0' ], 28 silly audit '@types/component-emitter': [ '1.2.10' ], 28 silly audit '@types/cookie': [ '0.4.1' ], 28 silly audit '@types/cors': [ '2.8.12' ], 28 silly audit '@types/eslint': [ '7.28.0' ], 28 silly audit '@types/eslint-scope': [ '3.7.1' ], 28 silly audit '@types/estree': [ '0.0.50' ], 28 silly audit '@types/http-proxy': [ '1.17.7' ], 28 silly audit '@types/json-schema': [ '7.0.9' ], 28 silly audit '@types/node': [ '14.14.37' ], 28 silly audit '@types/parse-json': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit '@types/prop-types': [ '15.7.4' ], 28 silly audit '@types/react': [ '17.0.15' ], 28 silly audit '@types/react-transition-group': [ '4.4.2' ], 28 silly audit '@types/retry': [ '0.12.1' ], 28 silly audit '@types/scheduler': [ '0.16.2' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/ast': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/floating-point-hex-parser': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/helper-api-error': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/helper-buffer': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/helper-numbers': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-bytecode': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-section': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/ieee754': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/leb128': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/utf8': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/wasm-edit': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/wasm-gen': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/wasm-opt': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webassemblyjs/wast-printer': [ '1.11.1' ], 28 silly audit '@webpack-cli/configtest': [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit '@webpack-cli/info': [ '1.3.0' ], 28 silly audit '@webpack-cli/serve': [ '1.5.1' ], 28 silly audit '@xtuc/ieee754': [ '1.2.0' ], 28 silly audit '@xtuc/long': [ '4.2.2' ], 28 silly audit accepts: [ '1.3.7' ], 28 silly audit acorn: [ '8.4.1' ], 28 silly audit 'aggregate-error': [ '3.1.0' ], 28 silly audit ajv: [ '6.12.6' ], 28 silly audit 'ajv-keywords': [ '3.5.2' ], 28 silly audit 'ansi-html-community': [ '0.0.8' ], 28 silly audit 'ansi-regex': [ '6.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'ansi-styles': [ '3.2.1', '4.3.0' ], 28 silly audit anymatch: [ '3.1.2' ], 28 silly audit 'array-flatten': [ '2.1.2', '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'array-union': [ '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit asap: [ '2.0.6' ], 28 silly audit async: [ '2.6.3' ], 28 silly audit 'babel-loader': [ '8.2.2' ], 28 silly audit json5: [ '1.0.1', '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'loader-utils': [ '1.4.0', '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'schema-utils': [ '2.7.1', '3.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node': [ '2.3.3' ], 28 silly audit 'babel-plugin-macros': [ '2.8.0' ], 28 silly audit 'babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2': [ '0.2.2' ], 28 silly audit 'babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3': [ '0.2.3' ], 28 silly audit 'babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator': [ '0.2.2' ], 28 silly audit backo2: [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'balanced-match': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'base64-arraybuffer': [ '0.1.4' ], 28 silly audit base64id: [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit batch: [ '0.6.1' ], 28 silly audit 'big.js': [ '5.2.2' ], 28 silly audit 'binary-extensions': [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'body-parser': [ '1.19.0' ], 28 silly audit bytes: [ '3.1.0', '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit debug: [ '2.6.9', '4.3.1', '3.2.7' ], 28 silly audit bonjour: [ '3.5.0' ], 28 silly audit bowser: [ '1.9.4' ], 28 silly audit 'brace-expansion': [ '1.1.11' ], 28 silly audit braces: [ '3.0.2' ], 28 silly audit browserslist: [ '4.16.6' ], 28 silly audit 'buffer-from': [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'buffer-indexof': [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'call-bind': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit callsites: [ '3.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'caniuse-lite': [ '1.0.30001248' ], 28 silly audit 'chain-function': [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit chalk: [ '2.4.2', '4.1.1' ], 28 silly audit child_process: [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit chokidar: [ '3.5.2' ], 28 silly audit 'chrome-trace-event': [ '1.0.3' ], 28 silly audit classnames: [ '2.3.1' ], 28 silly audit 'clean-stack': [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'clone-deep': [ '4.0.1' ], 28 silly audit closest: [ '0.0.1' ], 28 silly audit clsx: [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'color-convert': [ '1.9.3', '2.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'color-name': [ '1.1.3', '1.1.4' ], 28 silly audit colorette: [ '1.2.2', '2.0.16' ], 28 silly audit commander: [ '2.20.3', '7.2.0' ], 28 silly audit commondir: [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'component-emitter': [ '1.3.0' ], 28 silly audit compressible: [ '2.0.18' ], 28 silly audit compression: [ '1.7.4' ], 28 silly audit 'safe-buffer': [ '5.1.2', '5.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'concat-map': [ '0.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'connect-history-api-fallback': [ '1.6.0' ], 28 silly audit 'content-disposition': [ '0.5.3' ], 28 silly audit 'content-type': [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'convert-source-map': [ '1.8.0' ], 28 silly audit cookie: [ '0.4.0', '0.4.1' ], 28 silly audit 'cookie-signature': [ '1.0.6' ], 28 silly audit 'core-js': [ '1.2.7' ], 28 silly audit 'core-js-compat': [ '3.15.2' ], 28 silly audit semver: [ '7.0.0', '7.3.5', '6.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'core-util-is': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit cors: [ '2.8.5' ], 28 silly audit cosmiconfig: [ '6.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'cross-spawn': [ '7.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'css-loader': [ '5.2.7' ], 28 silly audit 'css-vendor': [ '2.0.8' ], 28 silly audit cssesc: [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit dagre: [ '0.8.5' ], 28 silly audit ms: [ '2.1.2', '2.0.0', '2.1.3', '2.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'deep-equal': [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'default-gateway': [ '6.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'define-lazy-prop': [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'define-properties': [ '1.1.3' ], 28 silly audit del: [ '6.0.0' ], 28 silly audit depd: [ '1.1.2' ], 28 silly audit destroy: [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'detect-node': [ '2.0.5' ], 28 silly audit 'dir-glob': [ '3.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'dns-equal': [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'dns-packet': [ '1.3.4' ], 28 silly audit 'dns-txt': [ '2.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'dock-spawn-ts': [ '2.220.0' ], 28 silly audit 'dom-helpers': [ '3.4.0', '5.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'ee-first': [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'electron-to-chromium': [ '1.3.789' ], 28 silly audit 'emojis-list': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit encodeurl: [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit encoding: [ '0.1.13' ], 28 silly audit 'iconv-lite': [ '0.6.3', '0.4.24' ], 28 silly audit 'engine.io': [ '5.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'engine.io-client': [ '5.1.2' ], 28 silly audit ws: [ '7.4.6', '8.2.3' ], 28 silly audit 'engine.io-parser': [ '4.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'enhanced-resolve': [ '4.5.0', '5.8.2' ], 28 silly audit 'memory-fs': [ '0.5.0' ], 28 silly audit envinfo: [ '7.8.1' ], 28 silly audit errno: [ '0.1.8' ], 28 silly audit 'error-ex': [ '1.3.2' ], 28 silly audit 'es-module-lexer': [ '0.7.1' ], 28 silly audit escalade: [ '3.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'escape-html': [ '1.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'eslint-scope': [ '5.1.1' ], 28 silly audit esrecurse: [ '4.3.0' ], 28 silly audit estraverse: [ '5.2.0', '4.3.0' ], 28 silly audit esutils: [ '2.0.3' ], 28 silly audit etag: [ '1.8.1' ], 28 silly audit eventemitter3: [ '4.0.7' ], 28 silly audit events: [ '3.3.0' ], 28 silly audit execa: [ '5.1.1' ], 28 silly audit express: [ '4.17.1' ], 28 silly audit 'fast-deep-equal': [ '3.1.3' ], 28 silly audit 'fast-glob': [ '3.2.7' ], 28 silly audit 'fast-json-stable-stringify': [ '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'fastest-levenshtein': [ '1.0.12' ], 28 silly audit fastq: [ '1.13.0' ], 28 silly audit 'faye-websocket': [ '0.11.3' ], 28 silly audit fbjs: [ '0.8.18', '0.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'fill-range': [ '7.0.1' ], 28 silly audit finalhandler: [ '1.1.2' ], 28 silly audit 'find-cache-dir': [ '3.3.1' ], 28 silly audit 'find-root': [ '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'find-up': [ '4.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'follow-redirects': [ '1.14.5' ], 28 silly audit forwarded: [ '0.1.2' ], 28 silly audit fresh: [ '0.5.2' ], 28 silly audit 'fs-monkey': [ '1.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'fs.realpath': [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit fsevents: [ '2.3.2' ], 28 silly audit 'function-bind': [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit gensync: [ '1.0.0-beta.2' ], 28 silly audit 'get-intrinsic': [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'get-stream': [ '6.0.1' ], 28 silly audit glob: [ '7.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'glob-parent': [ '5.1.2' ], 28 silly audit 'glob-to-regexp': [ '0.4.1' ], 28 silly audit globals: [ '11.12.0' ], 28 silly audit globby: [ '11.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'graceful-fs': [ '4.2.6' ], 28 silly audit graphlib: [ '2.1.8' ], 28 silly audit 'handle-thing': [ '2.0.1' ], 28 silly audit has: [ '1.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'has-cors': [ '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'has-flag': [ '3.0.0', '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'has-symbols': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit heap: [ '0.2.5' ], 28 silly audit 'hoist-non-react-statics': [ '3.3.2', '1.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'hpack.js': [ '2.1.6' ], 28 silly audit 'html-entities': [ '2.3.2' ], 28 silly audit 'http-deceiver': [ '1.2.7' ], 28 silly audit 'http-errors': [ '1.7.2', '1.6.3' ], 28 silly audit inherits: [ '2.0.3', '2.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'http-parser-js': [ '0.5.3' ], 28 silly audit 'http-proxy': [ '1.18.1' ], 28 silly audit 'http-proxy-middleware': [ '2.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'human-signals': [ '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'hyphenate-style-name': [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'icss-utils': [ '5.1.0' ], 28 silly audit ignore: [ '5.1.9' ], 28 silly audit 'import-fresh': [ '3.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'import-local': [ '3.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'indent-string': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit inflight: [ '1.0.6' ], 28 silly audit 'inline-style-prefix-all': [ '2.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'inline-style-prefixer': [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'internal-ip': [ '6.2.0' ], 28 silly audit interpret: [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit ip: [ '1.1.5' ], 28 silly audit 'ip-regex': [ '4.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'ipaddr.js': [ '1.9.1', '2.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'is-arguments': [ '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-arrayish': [ '0.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'is-binary-path': [ '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-core-module': [ '2.5.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-date-object': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'is-docker': [ '2.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'is-extglob': [ '2.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'is-glob': [ '4.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'is-in-browser': [ '1.1.3' ], 28 silly audit 'is-ip': [ '3.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-number': [ '7.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-path-cwd': [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-path-inside': [ '3.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'is-plain-obj': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-plain-object': [ '2.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'is-regex': [ '1.1.2' ], 28 silly audit 'is-stream': [ '2.0.1', '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'is-wsl': [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit isarray: [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit isexe: [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit isobject: [ '3.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'isomorphic-fetch': [ '2.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jest-worker': [ '27.0.6' ], 28 silly audit 'supports-color': [ '8.1.1', '5.5.0', '7.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'js-tokens': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit jsesc: [ '2.5.2', '0.5.0' ], 28 silly audit 'json-parse-better-errors': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'json-parse-even-better-errors': [ '2.3.1' ], 28 silly audit 'json-schema-traverse': [ '0.4.1' ], 28 silly audit jss: [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jss-plugin-camel-case': [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jss-plugin-default-unit': [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jss-plugin-global': [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jss-plugin-nested': [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jss-plugin-props-sort': [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jss-plugin-rule-value-function': [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'jss-plugin-vendor-prefixer': [ '10.7.1' ], 28 silly audit keycode: [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'kind-of': [ '6.0.3' ], 28 silly audit klona: [ '2.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'lines-and-columns': [ '1.1.6' ], 28 silly audit loadash: [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'loader-runner': [ '4.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'locate-path': [ '5.0.0' ], 28 silly audit lodash: [ '4.17.21', '2.4.2' ], 28 silly audit 'lodash.debounce': [ '4.0.8' ], 28 silly audit 'lodash.merge': [ '4.6.2' ], 28 silly audit 'lodash.throttle': [ '4.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'loose-envify': [ '1.4.0' ], 28 silly audit 'lru-cache': [ '6.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'make-dir': [ '3.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'matches-selector': [ '0.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'material-ui': [ '0.15.0' ], 28 silly audit 'react-addons-transition-group': [ '15.6.2' ], 28 silly audit 'react-dom': [ '16.14.0', '17.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'react-transition-group': [ '1.2.1', '4.4.2' ], 28 silly audit warning: [ '3.0.0', '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit recompose: [ '0.17.0' ], 28 silly audit scheduler: [ '0.19.1', '0.20.2' ], 28 silly audit 'media-typer': [ '0.3.0' ], 28 silly audit memfs: [ '3.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'merge-descriptors': [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'merge-stream': [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit merge2: [ '1.4.1' ], 28 silly audit methods: [ '1.1.2' ], 28 silly audit micromatch: [ '4.0.4' ], 28 silly audit mime: [ '1.6.0' ], 28 silly audit 'mime-db': [ '1.51.0' ], 28 silly audit 'mime-types': [ '2.1.34' ], 28 silly audit 'mimic-fn': [ '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'minimalistic-assert': [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit minimatch: [ '3.0.4' ], 28 silly audit minimist: [ '1.2.5' ], 28 silly audit mkdirp: [ '0.5.5' ], 28 silly audit 'multicast-dns': [ '6.2.3' ], 28 silly audit 'multicast-dns-service-types': [ '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit nanoid: [ '3.1.23' ], 28 silly audit negotiator: [ '0.6.2' ], 28 silly audit 'neo-async': [ '2.6.2' ], 28 silly audit 'node-fetch': [ '1.7.3' ], 28 silly audit 'node-forge': [ '0.10.0' ], 28 silly audit 'node-releases': [ '1.1.73' ], 28 silly audit 'node-shell-parser': [ '0.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'normalize-path': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'npm-run-path': [ '4.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'object-assign': [ '4.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'object-is': [ '1.1.5' ], 28 silly audit 'object-keys': [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'object.assign': [ '4.1.2' ], 28 silly audit obuf: [ '1.1.2' ], 28 silly audit 'on-finished': [ '2.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'on-headers': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit once: [ '1.4.0' ], 28 silly audit onetime: [ '5.1.2' ], 28 silly audit open: [ '8.4.0' ], 28 silly audit 'p-event': [ '4.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'p-finally': [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'p-limit': [ '3.1.0', '2.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'p-locate': [ '4.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'p-map': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'p-retry': [ '4.6.1' ], 28 silly audit 'p-timeout': [ '3.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'p-try': [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'parent-module': [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'parse-json': [ '5.2.0' ], 28 silly audit parseqs: [ '0.0.6' ], 28 silly audit parseuri: [ '0.0.6' ], 28 silly audit parseurl: [ '1.3.3' ], 28 silly audit 'path-exists': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'path-is-absolute': [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'path-key': [ '3.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'path-parse': [ '1.0.7' ], 28 silly audit 'path-to-regexp': [ '0.1.7' ], 28 silly audit 'path-type': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit pathfinding: [ '0.4.18' ], 28 silly audit 'paths-js': [ '0.4.11' ], 28 silly audit 'performance-now': [ '0.2.0', '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit picomatch: [ '2.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'pkg-dir': [ '4.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'popper.js': [ '1.16.1-lts' ], 28 silly audit portfinder: [ '1.0.28' ], 28 silly audit postcss: [ '8.3.6' ], 28 silly audit 'postcss-modules-extract-imports': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'postcss-modules-local-by-default': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'postcss-modules-scope': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'postcss-modules-values': [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'postcss-selector-parser': [ '6.0.6' ], 28 silly audit 'postcss-value-parser': [ '4.1.0' ], 28 silly audit process: [ '0.11.10' ], 28 silly audit 'process-nextick-args': [ '2.0.1' ], 28 silly audit promise: [ '7.3.1' ], 28 silly audit 'prop-types': [ '15.7.2' ], 28 silly audit 'proxy-addr': [ '2.0.6' ], 28 silly audit prr: [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit punycode: [ '2.1.1', '1.3.2' ], 28 silly audit qs: [ '6.7.0' ], 28 silly audit querystring: [ '0.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'queue-microtask': [ '1.2.3' ], 28 silly audit raf: [ '3.4.1' ], 28 silly audit randombytes: [ '2.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'range-parser': [ '1.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'raw-body': [ '2.4.0' ], 28 silly audit react: [ '17.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'react-addons-create-fragment': [ '15.6.2' ], 28 silly audit 'react-addons-update': [ '15.6.3' ], 28 silly audit 'react-contexify': [ '5.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'react-contextify': [ '0.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'react-contextmenu': [ '2.14.0' ], 28 silly audit 'react-event-listener': [ '0.1.2' ], 28 silly audit 'react-icons': [ '4.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'react-is': [ '16.13.1' ], 28 silly audit 'react-motion': [ '0.5.2' ], 28 silly audit 'react-table': [ '7.7.0' ], 28 silly audit 'react-tap-event-plugin': [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'whatwg-fetch': [ '0.9.0', '3.6.2' ], 28 silly audit 'readable-stream': [ '2.3.7', '3.6.0' ], 28 silly audit readdirp: [ '3.6.0' ], 28 silly audit rechoir: [ '0.7.1' ], 28 silly audit regenerate: [ '1.4.2' ], 28 silly audit 'regenerate-unicode-properties': [ '8.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'regenerator-runtime': [ '0.13.7' ], 28 silly audit 'regenerator-transform': [ '0.14.5' ], 28 silly audit 'regexp.prototype.flags': [ '1.3.1' ], 28 silly audit 'regexpu-core': [ '4.7.1' ], 28 silly audit regjsgen: [ '0.5.2' ], 28 silly audit regjsparser: [ '0.6.9' ], 28 silly audit 'requires-port': [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'resize-observer-polyfill': [ '1.5.1' ], 28 silly audit resolve: [ '1.20.0' ], 28 silly audit 'resolve-cwd': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'resolve-from': [ '5.0.0', '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit retry: [ '0.13.1' ], 28 silly audit reusify: [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit rimraf: [ '3.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'run-parallel': [ '1.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'safer-buffer': [ '2.1.2' ], 28 silly audit sass: [ '1.36.0' ], 28 silly audit 'sass-loader': [ '12.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'select-hose': [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit selfsigned: [ '1.10.11' ], 28 silly audit send: [ '0.17.1' ], 28 silly audit 'serialize-javascript': [ '6.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'serve-index': [ '1.9.1' ], 28 silly audit setprototypeof: [ '1.1.0', '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'serve-static': [ '1.14.1' ], 28 silly audit setimmediate: [ '1.0.5' ], 28 silly audit 'shallow-clone': [ '3.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'shebang-command': [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'shebang-regex': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'signal-exit': [ '3.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'simple-assign': [ '0.1.0' ], 28 silly audit slash: [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'socket.io': [ '4.1.3' ], 28 silly audit 'socket.io-adapter': [ '2.3.1' ], 28 silly audit 'socket.io-client': [ '4.1.3' ], 28 silly audit 'socket.io-parser': [ '4.0.4' ], 28 silly audit sockjs: [ '0.3.21' ], 28 silly audit 'source-map': [ '0.5.7', '0.6.1', '0.7.3' ], 28 silly audit 'source-map-js': [ '0.6.2' ], 28 silly audit 'source-map-support': [ '0.5.19' ], 28 silly audit spdy: [ '4.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'spdy-transport': [ '3.0.0' ], 28 silly audit statuses: [ '1.5.0' ], 28 silly audit string_decoder: [ '1.1.1' ], 28 silly audit 'strip-ansi': [ '7.0.1' ], 28 silly audit 'strip-final-newline': [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'style-loader': [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit stylis: [ '4.0.10' ], 28 silly audit tapable: [ '1.1.3', '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit terser: [ '5.7.1' ], 28 silly audit 'terser-webpack-plugin': [ '5.1.4' ], 28 silly audit thunky: [ '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit 'tiny-warning': [ '1.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'to-fast-properties': [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'to-regex-range': [ '5.0.1' ], 28 silly audit toidentifier: [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'ts-loader': [ '8.3.0' ], 28 silly audit 'type-is': [ '1.6.18' ], 28 silly audit typescript: [ '4.3.5' ], 28 silly audit 'ua-parser-js': [ '0.7.31' ], 28 silly audit 'unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript': [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'unicode-match-property-ecmascript': [ '1.0.4' ], 28 silly audit 'unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript': [ '1.2.0' ], 28 silly audit 'unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript': [ '1.1.0' ], 28 silly audit unpipe: [ '1.0.0' ], 28 silly audit 'uri-js': [ '4.4.1' ], 28 silly audit url: [ '0.11.0' ], 28 silly audit 'util-deprecate': [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit 'utils-merge': [ '1.0.1' ], 28 silly audit uuid: [ '3.4.0' ], 28 silly audit 'v8-compile-cache': [ '2.3.0' ], 28 silly audit vary: [ '1.1.2' ], 28 silly audit watchpack: [ '2.2.0' ], 28 silly audit wbuf: [ '1.7.3' ], 28 silly audit webpack: [ '5.47.0' ], 28 silly audit 'webpack-cli': [ '4.7.2' ], 28 silly audit 'webpack-dev-middleware': [ '5.2.1' ], 28 silly audit 'webpack-dev-server': [ '4.5.0' ], 28 silly audit 'webpack-merge': [ '5.8.0' ], 28 silly audit 'webpack-sources': [ '3.0.3' ], 28 silly audit 'websocket-driver': [ '0.7.4' ], 28 silly audit 'websocket-extensions': [ '0.1.4' ], 28 silly audit which: [ '2.0.2' ], 28 silly audit wildcard: [ '2.0.0' ], 28 silly audit wrappy: [ '1.0.2' ], 28 silly audit yallist: [ '4.0.0' ], 28 silly audit yaml: [ '1.10.2' ], 28 silly audit yeast: [ '0.1.2' ], 28 silly audit 'yocto-queue': [ '0.1.0' ] 28 silly audit } 29 http fetch POST 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/-/npm/v1/security/advisories/bulk 491ms 30 timing auditReport:getReport Completed in 501ms 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report lodash: [ 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report id: 1002847, 31 silly audit report url: 'https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-35jh-r3h4-6jhm', 31 silly audit report title: 'Command Injection in lodash', 31 silly audit report severity: 'high', 31 silly audit report vulnerable_versions: '<4.17.21' 31 silly audit report }, 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report id: 1004063, 31 silly audit report url: 'https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-p6mc-m468-83gw', 31 silly audit report title: 'Prototype Pollution in lodash', 31 silly audit report severity: 'high', 31 silly audit report vulnerable_versions: '<4.17.19' 31 silly audit report }, 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report id: 1004206, 31 silly audit report url: 'https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-jf85-cpcp-j695', 31 silly audit report title: 'Prototype Pollution in lodash', 31 silly audit report severity: 'critical', 31 silly audit report vulnerable_versions: '<4.17.12' 31 silly audit report }, 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report id: 1004274, 31 silly audit report url: 'https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-x5rq-j2xg-h7qm', 31 silly audit report title: 'Prototype pollution in lodash', 31 silly audit report severity: 'moderate', 31 silly audit report vulnerable_versions: '<4.17.11' 31 silly audit report }, 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report id: 1004455, 31 silly audit report url: 'https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-4xc9-xhrj-v574', 31 silly audit report title: 'Prototype Pollution in lodash', 31 silly audit report severity: 'high', 31 silly audit report vulnerable_versions: '<4.17.11' 31 silly audit report }, 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report id: 1004503, 31 silly audit report url: 'https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-fvqr-27wr-82fm', 31 silly audit report title: 'Prototype Pollution in lodash', 31 silly audit report severity: 'low', 31 silly audit report vulnerable_versions: '<4.17.5' 31 silly audit report } 31 silly audit report ], 31 silly audit report 'node-fetch': [ 31 silly audit report { 31 silly audit report id: 1003055, 31 silly audit report url: 'https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-w7rc-rwvf-8q5r', 31 silly audit report title: "The `size` option isn't honored after following a redirect in node-fetch", 31 silly audit report severity: 'low', 31 silly audit report vulnerable_versions: '<2.6.1' 31 silly audit report } 31 silly audit report ] 31 silly audit report } 32 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:lodash:+BA2TaCfPgMMcRpoOsjDpbNLvC/NVtmnsDtahhHbKXRXdQuvl12dQY+6pJM0voTWAZOYhHcA9UJ6Gg9ub4BPpA== Completed in 16ms 33 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:lodash:ibnazL4kokIkJIlCFdrUUaCUhlm3zmGVzYXHuaUYFDXf82VnpxZuLq60tlE1JB0Xku3r9M0kUaSNu4YVGqCA+Q== Completed in 15ms 34 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:lodash:BzBTjb1iZjayHXr5oduzoMyrrMNZC0zxrU8okd02NzqAuszUWi/CYY4XfHfxLw3eV6eL3txmta6Z9w3YhIInwA== Completed in 15ms 35 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:lodash:QDJ+Sf680dqB61JCZpXi0BXuEqwrgn08fzBfzXhYEOo+KXSpHcsSeoUx7YquqztXixkOzaj4Am89yTsWjAcUgg== Completed in 14ms 36 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:lodash:PWRRqLF9uwjPFbIPA8k1nQSV7nsIl7lUmQ97tSfNTuCDg0/e8g4tid+DnuCVaYMoDWKNmoYmschi6Yanj8oGBA== Completed in 14ms 37 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:lodash:IhmWb3zfPMA05nLS3frD8l6Wy7RaOz7K3HZmVyK0w+mOYqZGAD9Z+euH26bQXNh3y0tnSR5zgzH85RquIjAJHw== Completed in 14ms 38 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:node-fetch:eDmgPBtVQzSiA+KOUUuiragXvkyGaRy0EOzi1Kfnd3ss+urmUDApF1imkE2deiS79CqzY4EMlcUya82CMvPvSw== Completed in 15ms 39 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/lodash 100ms (cache revalidated) 40 timing metavuln:packument:lodash Completed in 103ms 41 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:lodash:1002847 Completed in 4ms 42 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:lodash:1002847 Completed in 108ms 43 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:lodash:1004063 Completed in 3ms 44 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:lodash:1004063 Completed in 108ms 45 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:lodash:1004206 Completed in 8ms 46 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:lodash:1004206 Completed in 116ms 47 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:lodash:1004274 Completed in 3ms 48 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:lodash:1004274 Completed in 118ms 49 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:lodash:1004455 Completed in 2ms 50 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:lodash:1004455 Completed in 120ms 51 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:lodash:1004503 Completed in 4ms 52 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:lodash:1004503 Completed in 124ms 53 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/node-fetch 227ms (cache revalidated) 54 timing metavuln:packument:node-fetch Completed in 229ms 55 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:node-fetch:1003055 Completed in 2ms 56 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:node-fetch:1003055 Completed in 232ms 57 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:node-shell-parser:dmJmi968KXDwFCHilmE3s5HBSHxhXTsB7ITWLwnhEWvBxBPRt8oZbTEupDQcBO2uQPZPlBmLdKudpTIIy2NnQA== Completed in 4ms 58 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/node-shell-parser 876ms (cache revalidated) 59 timing metavuln:packument:node-shell-parser Completed in 878ms 60 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:node-shell-parser:+BA2TaCfPgMMcRpoOsjDpbNLvC/NVtmnsDtahhHbKXRXdQuvl12dQY+6pJM0voTWAZOYhHcA9UJ6Gg9ub4BPpA== Completed in 0ms 61 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:node-shell-parser:+BA2TaCfPgMMcRpoOsjDpbNLvC/NVtmnsDtahhHbKXRXdQuvl12dQY+6pJM0voTWAZOYhHcA9UJ6Gg9ub4BPpA== Completed in 878ms 62 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:isomorphic-fetch:7QJbWGnk9uqXXYPwesT+kmUejcldMadMbGf34vJTIksJxdB0Krj1vZVM2VPQp9LTbjIh3/8ZPiLaKEDt8kqbuA== Completed in 2ms 63 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/isomorphic-fetch 73ms (cache revalidated) 64 timing metavuln:packument:isomorphic-fetch Completed in 73ms 65 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:isomorphic-fetch:eDmgPBtVQzSiA+KOUUuiragXvkyGaRy0EOzi1Kfnd3ss+urmUDApF1imkE2deiS79CqzY4EMlcUya82CMvPvSw== Completed in 0ms 66 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:isomorphic-fetch:eDmgPBtVQzSiA+KOUUuiragXvkyGaRy0EOzi1Kfnd3ss+urmUDApF1imkE2deiS79CqzY4EMlcUya82CMvPvSw== Completed in 73ms 67 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:fbjs:W5ppA5gnBmx5zOX5JJ5gjOyawzUtQrpMYCJw0GRhIi34xZmjRbkHM5m0yQ9UKk/lTegJlXRwyIXYlJoKSE/eHw== Completed in 2ms 68 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/fbjs 66ms (cache revalidated) 69 timing metavuln:packument:fbjs Completed in 67ms 70 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:fbjs:7QJbWGnk9uqXXYPwesT+kmUejcldMadMbGf34vJTIksJxdB0Krj1vZVM2VPQp9LTbjIh3/8ZPiLaKEDt8kqbuA== Completed in 1ms 71 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:fbjs:7QJbWGnk9uqXXYPwesT+kmUejcldMadMbGf34vJTIksJxdB0Krj1vZVM2VPQp9LTbjIh3/8ZPiLaKEDt8kqbuA== Completed in 69ms 72 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:react-addons-create-fragment:zvuc0SNnE9A35d7fRLdIx7Gq+40UAxAT94+qzAJuZRG0y0+6h6UlXAmO5HgoKB1Wpy1ytsTQUxJIyhQ7rlAWtA== Completed in 3ms 73 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/react-addons-create-fragment 854ms (cache revalidated) 74 timing metavuln:packument:react-addons-create-fragment Completed in 855ms 75 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:react-addons-create-fragment:W5ppA5gnBmx5zOX5JJ5gjOyawzUtQrpMYCJw0GRhIi34xZmjRbkHM5m0yQ9UKk/lTegJlXRwyIXYlJoKSE/eHw== Completed in 1ms 76 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:react-addons-create-fragment:W5ppA5gnBmx5zOX5JJ5gjOyawzUtQrpMYCJw0GRhIi34xZmjRbkHM5m0yQ9UKk/lTegJlXRwyIXYlJoKSE/eHw== Completed in 857ms 77 timing metavuln:cache:get:security-advisory:material-ui:HNtwdi54PURLvZmIpG5QFiFgfXxQjCCyxTEH8ZG0eTLj2CS4tPd44DwT/4sDA16LBteyxh21ZoYw37Bon7s1+A== Completed in 2ms 78 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/material-ui 841ms (cache revalidated) 79 timing metavuln:packument:material-ui Completed in 846ms 80 timing metavuln:load:security-advisory:material-ui:zvuc0SNnE9A35d7fRLdIx7Gq+40UAxAT94+qzAJuZRG0y0+6h6UlXAmO5HgoKB1Wpy1ytsTQUxJIyhQ7rlAWtA== Completed in 2ms 81 timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:material-ui:zvuc0SNnE9A35d7fRLdIx7Gq+40UAxAT94+qzAJuZRG0y0+6h6UlXAmO5HgoKB1Wpy1ytsTQUxJIyhQ7rlAWtA== Completed in 848ms 82 timing auditReport:init Completed in 2967ms 83 timing audit Completed in 5380ms 84 timing idealTree:init Completed in 2ms 85 timing idealTree:userRequests Completed in 1ms 86 silly idealTree buildDeps 87 silly fetch manifest node-shell-parser@^0.2.1 88 silly placeDep ROOT node-shell-parser@0.2.1 KEEP for: linuxcnc_halbuilder@0.0.1 want: ^0.2.1 89 timing idealTree:#root Completed in 42ms 90 silly fetch manifest isomorphic-fetch@^2.1.1 91 silly placeDep ROOT isomorphic-fetch@2.2.1 KEEP for: fbjs@0.8.18 want: ^2.1.1 92 timing idealTree:node_modules/fbjs Completed in 38ms 93 silly fetch manifest node-fetch@^1.0.1 94 silly placeDep ROOT node-fetch@1.7.3 KEEP for: isomorphic-fetch@2.2.1 want: ^1.0.1 95 timing idealTree:node_modules/isomorphic-fetch Completed in 35ms 96 silly fetch manifest react@^15.0.0 97 timing arborist:ctor Completed in 1ms 98 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/react 901ms (cache revalidated) 99 silly fetch manifest react-dom@^15.0.0 100 http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/react-dom 62ms (cache revalidated) 101 silly fetch manifest react-addons-create-fragment@^15.0.1 102 timing idealTree Completed in 1139ms 103 timing command:audit Completed in 6523ms 104 verbose stack Error: could not resolve 104 verbose stack at PlaceDep.failPeerConflict (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/place-dep.js:544:25) 104 verbose stack at PlaceDep.place (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/place-dep.js:197:21) 104 verbose stack at new PlaceDep (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/place-dep.js:71:10) 104 verbose stack at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js:944:31 104 verbose stack at Array.map () 104 verbose stack at Arborist.[buildDepStep] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js:944:8) 104 verbose stack at async Arborist.buildIdealTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js:216:7) 104 verbose stack at async Promise.all (index 1) 104 verbose stack at async Arborist.reify (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/reify.js:149:5) 104 verbose stack at async Audit.audit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/audit.js:66:5) 105 verbose cwd /media/tomp/toms4T/2021/cadcamctl/ctl/emc/Hal-Editor-webbased/HAL-Editor-master 106 verbose Linux 4.9.0-16-rt-amd64 107 verbose argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "audit" "fix" 108 verbose node v16.13.0 109 verbose npm v8.1.0 110 error code ERESOLVE 111 error ERESOLVE could not resolve 112 error 113 error While resolving: material-ui@0.15.0 113 error Found: react@17.0.2 113 error node_modules/react 113 error react@"^17.0.2" from the root project 113 error peer react@">=16.8.0" from @emotion/react@11.4.0 113 error node_modules/@emotion/react 113 error @emotion/react@"^11.4.0" from the root project 113 error peer @emotion/react@"^11.0.0-rc.0" from @emotion/styled@11.3.0 113 error node_modules/@emotion/styled 113 error @emotion/styled@"^11.3.0" from the root project 113 error 1 more (@projectstorm/react-diagrams-defaults) 113 error 1 more (@projectstorm/react-diagrams-defaults) 113 error 14 more (@emotion/styled, @material-ui/core, ...) 113 error 113 error Could not resolve dependency: 113 error peer react@"^15.0.0" from material-ui@0.15.0 113 error node_modules/material-ui 113 error material-ui@"^0.15.0" from the root project 113 error 113 error Conflicting peer dependency: react@15.7.0 113 error node_modules/react 113 error peer react@"^15.0.0" from material-ui@0.15.0 113 error node_modules/material-ui 113 error material-ui@"^0.15.0" from the root project 113 error 113 error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry 113 error this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps 113 error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. 113 error 113 error See /home/tomp/.npm/eresolve-report.txt for a full report. 114 verbose exit 1