Hello, I don't know if this is a fluke on my system or not. But, I have been trying for days to get Run From Line to work. From Big John: You should be able to set a VCPLineEdit and name it. Then in the Run From Line actionButton set the actionName to program.run:#. I did and regardless of how I tried all this does is pass # as a string to the run action where run(star_line=0) should receive the value of the VcpLineEdit. In any case, I found a work around if anyone else has the issue. I know tomorrow there will be an update to master with a right click context menu but it may not work for some of my designs so I came up with the following: 1) Create a VcpLineEdit and name it lineNumber (Still need to make sure only integers are allowed to be entered. Coming soon) 2) Drag a StatusLabel in and name it starting_line_number. Set your fonts in the stylesheet property 3) Drag in an ActionButton and name it run_from_here. Set the text property to Run From Line. Set the fonts in the stylesheet. Leave the actionName blank. It will be set on the fly. Now, open your mainwindow.py file and make your file look like mine. You can exclude all code that does not pertain to this as I have other functions set up for other stuff. You can read my other posts to understand that aspect. Pretty cool. from qtpyvcp.widgets.form_widgets.main_window import VCPMainWindow # Setup logging from qtpyvcp.utilities import logger LOG = logger.getLogger('qtpyvcp.' + __name__) class MyMainWindow(VCPMainWindow): """Main window class for the VCP.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyMainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) ### Setup connection to VCPLineEdit self.lineNumber.returnPressed.connect(self.setStartingLineLabel) ### Connect run_from_here Btn to clear label after start self.run_from_here.clicked.connect(self.clearStartLineLabel) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BEGIN RUN FROM HERE SETUP # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setStartingLineLabel(self): # Set variable to the VCPLineEdit Text Value line_number = self.lineNumber.text() # Set StatusLabel to alert where the program will start self.starting_line_number.setText('Ready To Start @ ' + line_number) # Set the actionName property of the Run From Line Btn self.run_from_here.setProperty('actionName', 'program.run:' + line_number) def clearStartLineLabel(self): self.starting_line_number.setText('') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # END RUN FROM HERE SETUP # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is what the code does. It connects the label and VcpEdit. def setStartingLineLabel(self): Gets the value from the VcpLineEdit and stores it in a variable. Then it sets the StatusLabel to notify the user that the line number was read and matches the users desired target. Then it sets the actionName of the run_from_here button. def clearStartLineLabel(self): Resets the StatusLabel to empty once the Run From Line button is pressed. When the button is pressed it now has the proper line number appended to the actionName like this program.run:int. The program will then start from the entered line number. I kinda like this method better because you have more control over when and what happens before the program starts. Also, feedback to let you know what you expect to happen will happen. To use it, simply enter a line number in the text field and press enter. You will see the Status Label change to "Ready To Start @ (lineNumber). Then press Run From Line. Away you go. Easy Peasy!