# Generated by PNCconf at Tue Mar 9 09:10:54 2021 # Using LinuxCNC version: 2.9.0~pre0 # If you make changes to this file, they will be # overwritten when you run PNCconf again [EMC] MACHINE = my_LinuxCNC_machine DEBUG = 0 VERSION = 1.1 [DISPLAY] DISPLAY = probe_basic CONFIG_FILE = custom_config.yml FULLSCREEN = TRUE POSITION_OFFSET = RELATIVE POSITION_FEEDBACK = ACTUAL MAX_FEED_OVERRIDE = 2.000000 MAX_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE = 1.000000 MIN_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE = 0.500000 INTRO_GRAPHIC = linuxcnc.gif INTRO_TIME = 1 PROGRAM_PREFIX = /home/user/linuxcnc/nc_files INCREMENTS = 5mm 1mm .5mm .1mm .05mm .01mm .005mm POSITION_FEEDBACK = ACTUAL DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.250000 MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 30.000000 MIN_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.016670 DEFAULT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 12.000000 MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 180.000000 MIN_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 1.666667 EDITOR = gedit GEOMETRY = xyz [ATC] # ***If using an ATC, uncomment POCKETS line and add your pocket count*** # Carousel image available for 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24 POCKETS = 8 [PYTHON] # ***leave the following commented out unless you are using the ATC macros*** #TOPLEVEL = /home/user/linuxcnc/configs/Siegfried/python/toplevel.py #PATH_APPEND = /home/user/linuxcnc/configs/Siegfried/python/ #LOG_LEVEL = 8 [FILTER] PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .png,.gif,.jpg Greyscale Depth Image PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .py Python Script png = image-to-gcode gif = image-to-gcode jpg = image-to-gcode py = python [TASK] TASK = milltask CYCLE_TIME = 0.100 [RS274NGC] RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE = F10 S300 G20 G17 G40 G49 G54 G64 P0.001 G80 G90 G91.1 G92.1 G94 G97 G98 FEATURES = 30 PROGRAM_PREFIX = ~/linuxcnc/nc_files PARAMETER_FILE = linuxcnc.var SUBROUTINE_PATH = /home/user/linuxcnc/configs/Siegfried/subroutines/ # ***ATC tool change use, uncomment the following remapped M codes at bottom of [RS274NGC] section *** #REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 prolog=change_prolog ngc=toolchange epilog=change_epilog #REMAP=M10 modalgroup=6 argspec=p ngc=m10 #REMAP=M11 modalgroup=6 argspec=p ngc=m11 #REMAP=M12 modalgroup=6 argspec=p ngc=m12 #REMAP=M13 modalgroup=6 ngc=m13 #REMAP=M21 modalgroup=6 ngc=m21 #REMAP=M22 modalgroup=6 ngc=m22 #REMAP=M23 modalgroup=6 ngc=m23 #REMAP=M24 modalgroup=6 ngc=m24 #REMAP=M25 modalgroup=6 ngc=m25 #REMAP=M26 modalgroup=6 ngc=m26 [EMCMOT] EMCMOT = motmod COMM_TIMEOUT = 1.0 SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000 COMM_WAIT = 0.010 [HMOT] CARD0=hm2_7i97.0 [HAL] HALUI = halui HALFILE = basic7i97.hal HALFILE = custom.hal HALFILE = chinahandrad.hal #HALFILE = coolant_cannon.hal ***leave commented out unless using programmable coolant nozzle*** POSTGUI_HALFILE = probe_basic_postgui.hal #POSTGUI_HALFILE = postgui_call_list.hal SHUTDOWN = shutdown.hal [HALUI] [KINS] JOINTS = 3 KINEMATICS = trivkins coordinates=XYZ [TRAJ] AXES = 3 COORDINATES = XYZ LINEAR_UNITS = mm ANGULAR_UNITS = degree DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.10 MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 30.00 [EMCIO] EMCIO = io CYCLE_TIME = 0.100 TOOL_TABLE = tool.tbl #****************************************** [AXIS_X] MAX_VELOCITY = 30.0 MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0 MIN_LIMIT = -0.001 MAX_LIMIT = 195.0 [JOINT_0] TYPE = LINEAR #HOME = 0.0 FERROR = 1 MIN_FERROR = 1 MAX_VELOCITY = 30.0 MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0 P = 22 I = 7 D = 0 FF0 = 0 FF1 = 0.0885 FF2 = 0 BIAS = 0 DEADBAND = 0.0001 MAX_OUTPUT = 0 ENCODER_SCALE = -2048 OUTPUT_SCALE = -10 MIN_LIMIT = -0.001 MAX_LIMIT = 195.0 # Full Speed of Homing Search Positive Value (Two Moves: Forward then after find homing backwards) HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 15 #Small Speed Homing Search Positive Value (Because is already outside of home-switch because of Home_Search_Vel) HOME_LATCH_VEL = 5 # Speed from Home_offset to Home position HOME_FINAL_VEL = 5 # Ignore Limit-Switch by homing HOME_IGNORE_LIMITS = NO # Index Puls for homing HOME_USE_INDEX = NO # Offset from Switch to prevent stand over switch or near switch HOME_OFFSET = 2 # Position the Joint go and set Joint to Zero > G53 make sure Home_Final_Vel is set!!! HOME = 3 # If you have all Switches on same Pin the set it YES otherwise NO HOME_IS_SHARED = NO # Homing Order of the Joints 0, 1, -1 negative means Joint is waiting for other Joint to move synchronized # If the HOME_SEQUENCE value is zero or positive, a command to home the joint will home only the specified joint HOME_SEQUENCE = -1 #Joint becomes unhomed when machone go off #VOLATILE_HOME = NO #****************************************** #****************************************** [AXIS_Y] MAX_VELOCITY = 30.0 MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0 MIN_LIMIT = -0.001 MAX_LIMIT = 180 [JOINT_1] TYPE = LINEAR #HOME = 0.0 FERROR = 1 MIN_FERROR = 1 MAX_VELOCITY = 30.0 MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0 P = 22 I = 7 D = 0 FF0 = 0 FF1 = 0.0885 FF2 = 0 BIAS = 0 DEADBAND = 0.0001 MAX_OUTPUT = 0 ENCODER_SCALE = -2048 OUTPUT_SCALE = -10 MIN_LIMIT = -0.001 MAX_LIMIT = 180 # Full Speed of Homing Search Positive Value (Two Moves: Forward then after find homing backwards) HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 15 #Small Speed Homing Search Positive Value (Because is already outside of home-switch because of Home_Search_Vel) HOME_LATCH_VEL = 5 # Speed from Home_offset to Home position HOME_FINAL_VEL = 5 # Ignore Limit-Switch by homing HOME_IGNORE_LIMITS = NO # Index Puls for homing HOME_USE_INDEX = NO # Offset from Switch to prevent stand over switch or near switch HOME_OFFSET = 1 # Position the Joint go and set Joint to Zero > G53 make sure Home_Final_Vel is set!!! HOME = 2 # If you have all Switches on same Pin the set it YES otherwise NO HOME_IS_SHARED = NO # Homing Order of the Joints 0, 1, -1 negative means Joint is waiting for other Joint to move synchronized # If the HOME_SEQUENCE value is zero or positive, a command to home the joint will home only the specified joint HOME_SEQUENCE = -1 #Joint becomes unhomed when machone go off #VOLATILE_HOME = NO #****************************************** #****************************************** [AXIS_Z] MAX_VELOCITY = 30.0 MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0 MIN_LIMIT = -0.001 MAX_LIMIT = 100 [JOINT_2] TYPE = LINEAR #HOME = 0.0 FERROR = 1 MIN_FERROR = 1 MAX_VELOCITY = 30.0 MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0 P = 22 I = 7 D = 0 FF0 = 0 FF1 = 0.0885 FF2 = 0 BIAS = 0 DEADBAND = 0.0001 MAX_OUTPUT = 0 ENCODER_SCALE = -2048 OUTPUT_SCALE = -10 MIN_LIMIT = -0.001 MAX_LIMIT = 100 # Full Speed of Homing Search Positive Value (Two Moves: Forward then after find homing backwards) HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 15 #Small Speed Homing Search Positive Value (Because is already outside of home-switch because of Home_Search_Vel) HOME_LATCH_VEL = 5 # Speed from Home_offset to Home position HOME_FINAL_VEL = 5 # Ignore Limit-Switch by homing HOME_IGNORE_LIMITS = NO # Index Puls for homing HOME_USE_INDEX = NO # Offset from Switch to prevent stand over switch or near switch HOME_OFFSET = 1 # Position the Joint go and set Joint to Zero > G53 make sure Home_Final_Vel is set!!! HOME = 2 # If you have all Switches on same Pin the set it YES otherwise NO HOME_IS_SHARED = NO # Homing Order of the Joints 0, 1, -1 negative means Joint is waiting for other Joint to move synchronized # If the HOME_SEQUENCE value is zero or positive, a command to home the joint will home only the specified joint HOME_SEQUENCE = 0 #Joint becomes unhomed when machone go off #VOLATILE_HOME = NO #****************************************** [SPINDLE_0] P = 0 I = 0 D = 0 FF0 = 1 FF1 = 0 FF2 = 0 BIAS = 0 DEADBAND = 0 MAX_OUTPUT = 40000.0 ENCODER_SCALE = 1 OUTPUT_SCALE = -40000.0 MIN_LIMIT = 0 MAX_LIMIT = 40000