# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # notebook.tcl # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit # $Id: notebook.tcl,v 2011/04/26 14:13:24 oehhar Exp $ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Index of commands: # - NoteBook::create # - NoteBook::configure # - NoteBook::cget # - NoteBook::compute_size # - NoteBook::insert # - NoteBook::delete # - NoteBook::itemconfigure # - NoteBook::itemcget # - NoteBook::bindtabs # - NoteBook::raise # - NoteBook::see # - NoteBook::page # - NoteBook::pages # - NoteBook::index # - NoteBook::getframe # - NoteBook::_test_page # - NoteBook::_itemconfigure # - NoteBook::_compute_width # - NoteBook::_get_x_page # - NoteBook::_xview # - NoteBook::_highlight # - NoteBook::_select # - NoteBook::_redraw # - NoteBook::_draw_page # - NoteBook::_draw_arrows # - NoteBook::_draw_area # - NoteBook::_resize # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval NoteBook { Widget::define NoteBook notebook ArrowButton DynamicHelp namespace eval Page { Widget::declare NoteBook::Page { {-state Enum normal 0 {normal disabled}} {-createcmd String "" 0} {-raisecmd String "" 0} {-leavecmd String "" 0} {-image TkResource "" 0 label} {-text String "" 0} {-foreground String "" 0} {-background String "" 0} {-activeforeground String "" 0} {-activebackground String "" 0} {-disabledforeground String "" 0} } } DynamicHelp::include NoteBook::Page balloon Widget::bwinclude NoteBook ArrowButton .c.fg \ include {-foreground -background -activeforeground \ -activebackground -disabledforeground -repeatinterval \ -repeatdelay -borderwidth} \ initialize {-borderwidth 1} Widget::bwinclude NoteBook ArrowButton .c.fd \ include {-foreground -background -activeforeground \ -activebackground -disabledforeground -repeatinterval \ -repeatdelay -borderwidth} \ initialize {-borderwidth 1} Widget::declare NoteBook { {-foreground TkResource "" 0 button} {-background TkResource "" 0 button} {-activebackground TkResource "" 0 button} {-activeforeground TkResource "" 0 button} {-disabledforeground TkResource "" 0 button} {-font TkResource "" 0 button} {-side Enum top 0 {top bottom}} {-homogeneous Boolean 0 0} {-borderwidth Int 1 0 "%d >= 1 && %d <= 2"} {-internalborderwidth Int 10 0 "%d >= 0"} {-width Int 0 0 "%d >= 0"} {-height Int 0 0 "%d >= 0"} {-repeatdelay BwResource "" 0 ArrowButton} {-repeatinterval BwResource "" 0 ArrowButton} {-fg Synonym -foreground} {-bg Synonym -background} {-bd Synonym -borderwidth} {-ibd Synonym -internalborderwidth} {-arcradius Int 2 0 "%d >= 0 && %d <= 8"} {-tabbevelsize Int 0 0 "%d >= 0 && %d <= 8"} {-tabpady Padding {0 6} 0 "%d >= 0"} } Widget::addmap NoteBook "" .c {-background {}} variable _warrow 12 variable _hidden "none" bind NoteBook [list NoteBook::_resize %W] bind NoteBook [list NoteBook::_destroy %W] } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::create # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::create { path args } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data Widget::init NoteBook $path $args set data(base) 0 set data(select) "" set data(pages) {} set data(pages) {} set data(cpt) 0 set data(realized) 0 set data(wpage) 0 _compute_height $path # Create the canvas set w [expr {[Widget::cget $path -width]+4}] set h [expr {[Widget::cget $path -height]+$data(hpage)+4}] frame $path -class NoteBook -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -relief flat eval [list canvas $path.c] [Widget::subcget $path .c] \ [list -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -width $w -height $h] pack $path.c -expand yes -fill both # Removing the Canvas global bindings from our canvas as # application specific bindings on that tag may interfere with its # operation here. [SF item #459033] set bindings [bindtags $path.c] set pos [lsearch -exact $bindings Canvas] if {$pos >= 0} { set bindings [lreplace $bindings $pos $pos] } bindtags $path.c $bindings # Create the arrow button eval [list ArrowButton::create $path.c.fg] [Widget::subcget $path .c.fg] \ [list -highlightthickness 0 -type button -dir left \ -armcommand [list NoteBook::_xview $path -1]] eval [list ArrowButton::create $path.c.fd] [Widget::subcget $path .c.fd] \ [list -highlightthickness 0 -type button -dir right \ -armcommand [list NoteBook::_xview $path 1]] Widget::create NoteBook $path set bg [Widget::cget $path -background] foreach {data(dbg) data(lbg)} [BWidget::get3dcolor $path $bg] {break} return $path } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::configure # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::configure { path args } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set res [Widget::configure $path $args] set redraw 0 set opts [list -font -homogeneous -tabpady] foreach {cf ch cp} [eval Widget::hasChangedX $path $opts] {break} if {$cf || $ch || $cp} { if { $cf || $cp } { _compute_height $path } _compute_width $path set redraw 1 } set chibd [Widget::hasChanged $path -internalborderwidth ibd] set chbg [Widget::hasChanged $path -background bg] if {$chibd || $chbg} { foreach page $data(pages) { if { ! $::Widget::_theme } { $path.f$page configure -background $bg } $path.f$page configure -borderwidth $ibd } } if {$chbg} { set col [BWidget::get3dcolor $path $bg] set data(dbg) [lindex $col 0] set data(lbg) [lindex $col 1] set redraw 1 } if { [Widget::hasChanged $path -foreground fg] || [Widget::hasChanged $path -borderwidth bd] || [Widget::hasChanged $path -arcradius radius] || [Widget::hasChanged $path -tabbevelsize bevel] || [Widget::hasChanged $path -side side] } { set redraw 1 } set wc [Widget::hasChanged $path -width w] set hc [Widget::hasChanged $path -height h] if { $wc || $hc } { $path.c configure \ -width [expr {$w + 4}] \ -height [expr {$h + $data(hpage) + 4}] } if { $redraw } { _redraw $path } return $res } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::cget # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::cget { path option } { return [Widget::cget $path $option] } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::compute_size # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::compute_size { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set wmax 0 set hmax 0 update idletasks foreach page $data(pages) { set w [winfo reqwidth $path.f$page] set h [winfo reqheight $path.f$page] set wmax [expr {$w>$wmax ? $w : $wmax}] set hmax [expr {$h>$hmax ? $h : $hmax}] } configure $path -width $wmax -height $hmax # Sven... well ok so this is called twice in some cases... NoteBook::_redraw $path # Sven end } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::insert # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::insert { path index page args } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { [lsearch -exact $data(pages) $page] != -1 } { return -code error "page \"$page\" already exists" } set f $path.f$page Widget::init NoteBook::Page $f $args set data(pages) [linsert $data(pages) $index $page] # If the page doesn't exist, create it; if it does reset its bg and ibd if { ![winfo exists $f] } { if {$::Widget::_theme} { ttk::frame $f } else { frame $f \ -relief flat \ -background [Widget::cget $path -background] \ -borderwidth [Widget::cget $path -internalborderwidth] } set data($page,realized) 0 } else { if { ! $::Widget::_theme} { $f configure -background [Widget::cget $path -background] } $f configure -borderwidth [Widget::cget $path -internalborderwidth] } _compute_height $path _compute_width $path _draw_page $path $page 1 _set_help $path $page _redraw $path return $f } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::delete # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::delete { path page {destroyframe 1} } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set pos [_test_page $path $page] set data(pages) [lreplace $data(pages) $pos $pos] _compute_width $path $path.c delete p:$page if { $data(select) == $page } { set data(select) "" } if { $pos < $data(base) } { incr data(base) -1 } if { $destroyframe } { destroy $path.f$page unset data($page,width) data($page,realized) } _redraw $path } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::itemconfigure # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::itemconfigure { path page args } { _test_page $path $page set res [_itemconfigure $path $page $args] _redraw $path return $res } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::itemcget # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::itemcget { path page option } { _test_page $path $page return [Widget::cget $path.f$page $option] } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::bindtabs # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::bindtabs { path event script } { if { $script != "" } { append script " \[NoteBook::_get_page_name [list $path] current 1\]" $path.c bind "page" $event $script } else { $path.c bind "page" $event {} } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::move # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::move { path page index } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set pos [_test_page $path $page] set data(pages) [linsert [lreplace $data(pages) $pos $pos] $index $page] _redraw $path } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::raise # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::raise { path {page ""} } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { $page != "" } { _test_page $path $page _select $path $page } return $data(select) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::see # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::see { path page } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set pos [_test_page $path $page] if { $pos < $data(base) } { set data(base) $pos _redraw $path } else { set w [expr {[winfo width $path]-1}] set fpage [expr {[_get_x_page $path $pos] + $data($page,width) + 6}] set idx $data(base) while { $idx < $pos && $fpage > $w } { set fpage [expr {$fpage - $data([lindex $data(pages) $idx],width)}] incr idx } if { $idx != $data(base) } { set data(base) $idx _redraw $path } } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::page # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::page { path first {last ""} } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { $last == "" } { return [lindex $data(pages) $first] } else { return [lrange $data(pages) $first $last] } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::pages # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::pages { path {first ""} {last ""}} { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { ![string length $first] } { return $data(pages) } if { ![string length $last] } { return [lindex $data(pages) $first] } else { return [lrange $data(pages) $first $last] } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::index # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::index { path page } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data return [lsearch -exact $data(pages) $page] } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_destroy # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_destroy { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data foreach page $data(pages) { Widget::destroy $path.f$page } Widget::destroy $path unset data } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::getframe # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::getframe { path page } { return $path.f$page } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_test_page # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_test_page { path page } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { [set pos [lsearch -exact $data(pages) $page]] == -1 } { return -code error "page \"$page\" does not exists" } return $pos } proc NoteBook::_getoption { path page option } { set value [Widget::cget $path.f$page $option] if {![string length $value]} { set value [Widget::cget $path $option] } return $value } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_itemconfigure # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_itemconfigure { path page lres } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set res [Widget::configure $path.f$page $lres] if { [Widget::hasChanged $path.f$page -text foo] } { _compute_width $path } elseif { [Widget::hasChanged $path.f$page -image foo] } { _compute_height $path _compute_width $path } if { [Widget::hasChanged $path.f$page -state state] && $state == "disabled" && $data(select) == $page } { set data(select) "" } _set_help $path $page return $res } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_compute_width # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_compute_width { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set wmax 0 set wtot 0 set hmax $data(hpage) set font [Widget::cget $path -font] if { ![info exists data(textid)] } { set data(textid) [$path.c create text 0 -100 -font $font -anchor nw] } set id $data(textid) $path.c itemconfigure $id -font $font foreach page $data(pages) { $path.c itemconfigure $id -text [Widget::cget $path.f$page -text] # Get the bbox for this text to determine its width, then substract # 6 from the width to account for canvas bbox oddness w.r.t. widths of # simple text. foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$path.c bbox $id] break set x2 [expr {$x2 - 6}] set wtext [expr {$x2 - $x1 + 20}] if { [set img [Widget::cget $path.f$page -image]] != "" } { set wtext [expr {$wtext + [image width $img] + 4}] set himg [expr {[image height $img] + 6}] if { $himg > $hmax } { set hmax $himg } } set wmax [expr {$wtext > $wmax ? $wtext : $wmax}] incr wtot $wtext set data($page,width) $wtext } if { [Widget::cget $path -homogeneous] } { foreach page $data(pages) { set data($page,width) $wmax } set wtot [expr {$wmax * [llength $data(pages)]}] } set data(hpage) $hmax set data(wpage) $wtot } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_compute_height # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_compute_height { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data set font [Widget::cget $path -font] set pady0 [Widget::_get_padding $path -tabpady 0] set pady1 [Widget::_get_padding $path -tabpady 1] set metrics [font metrics $font -linespace] set imgh 0 set lines 1 foreach page $data(pages) { set img [Widget::cget $path.f$page -image] set text [Widget::cget $path.f$page -text] set len [llength [split $text \n]] if {$len > $lines} { set lines $len} if {$img != ""} { set h [image height $img] if {$h > $imgh} { set imgh $h } } } set height [expr {$metrics * $lines}] if {$imgh > $height} { set height $imgh } set data(hpage) [expr {$height + $pady0 + $pady1}] } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_get_x_page # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_get_x_page { path pos } { variable _warrow variable $path upvar 0 $path data set base $data(base) # notebook tabs start flush with the left side of the notebook set x 0 if { $pos < $base } { foreach page [lrange $data(pages) $pos [expr {$base-1}]] { incr x [expr {-$data($page,width)}] } } elseif { $pos > $base } { foreach page [lrange $data(pages) $base [expr {$pos-1}]] { incr x $data($page,width) } } return $x } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_xview # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_xview { path inc } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { $inc == -1 } { set base [expr {$data(base)-1}] set dx $data([lindex $data(pages) $base],width) } else { set dx [expr {-$data([lindex $data(pages) $data(base)],width)}] set base [expr {$data(base)+1}] } if { $base >= 0 && $base < [llength $data(pages)] } { set data(base) $base $path.c move page $dx 0 _draw_area $path _draw_arrows $path } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_highlight # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_highlight { type path page } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { [string equal [Widget::cget $path.f$page -state] "disabled"] } { return } switch -- $type { on { $path.c itemconfigure "$page:poly" \ -fill [_getoption $path $page -activebackground] $path.c itemconfigure "$page:text" \ -fill [_getoption $path $page -activeforeground] } off { $path.c itemconfigure "$page:poly" \ -fill [_getoption $path $page -background] $path.c itemconfigure "$page:text" \ -fill [_getoption $path $page -foreground] } } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_select # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_select { path page } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if {![string equal [Widget::cget $path.f$page -state] "normal"]} { return } set oldsel $data(select) if {[string equal $page $oldsel]} { return } if { ![string equal $oldsel ""] } { set cmd [Widget::cget $path.f$oldsel -leavecmd] if { ![string equal $cmd ""] } { set code [catch {uplevel \#0 $cmd} res] if { $code == 1 || $res == 0 } { return -code $code $res } } set data(select) "" _draw_page $path $oldsel 0 } set data(select) $page if { ![string equal $page ""] } { if { !$data($page,realized) } { set data($page,realized) 1 set cmd [Widget::cget $path.f$page -createcmd] if { ![string equal $cmd ""] } { uplevel \#0 $cmd } } set cmd [Widget::cget $path.f$page -raisecmd] if { ![string equal $cmd ""] } { uplevel \#0 $cmd } _draw_page $path $page 0 } _draw_area $path } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_redraw # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_redraw { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data if { !$data(realized) } { return } _compute_height $path foreach page $data(pages) { _draw_page $path $page 0 } _draw_area $path _draw_arrows $path } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_draw_page # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_draw_page { path page create } { variable _hidden variable $path upvar 0 $path data if {[info exists _hidden]} { set tabs $_hidden } else { set tabs "none-exist" } # --- calcul des coordonnees et des couleurs de l'onglet ------------------ set pos [lsearch -exact $data(pages) $page] set bg [_getoption $path $page -background] # lookup the tab colors set fgt $data(lbg) set fgb $data(dbg) set h $data(hpage) set xd [_get_x_page $path $pos] set xf [expr {$xd + $data($page,width)}] # Set the initial text offsets -- a few pixels down, centered left-to-right set textOffsetY [expr [Widget::_get_padding $path -tabpady 0] + 3] set textOffsetX 9 # Coordinates of the tab corners are: # c3 c4 # # c2 c5 # # c1 c6 # # where # c1 = $xd, $h # c2 = $xd+$xBevel, $arcRadius+2 # c3 = $xd+$xBevel+$arcRadius, $arcRadius # c4 = $xf+1-$xBevel, $arcRadius # c5 = $xf+$arcRadius-$xBevel, $arcRadius+2 # c6 = $xf+$arcRadius, $h set top 2 set arcRadius [Widget::cget $path -arcradius] set xBevel [Widget::cget $path -tabbevelsize] if { $data(select) != $page } { if { $pos == 0 } { # The leftmost page is a special case -- it is drawn with its # tab a little indented. To achieve this, we incr xd. We also # decr textOffsetX, so that the text doesn't move left/right. incr xd 2 incr textOffsetX -2 } } else { # The selected page's text is raised higher than the others incr top -2 } # Precompute some coord values that we use a lot set topPlusRadius [expr {$top + $arcRadius}] set rightPlusRadius [expr {$xf + $arcRadius}] set leftPlusRadius [expr {$xd + $arcRadius}] # Sven set side [Widget::cget $path -side] set tabsOnBottom [string equal $side "bottom"] set h1 [expr {[winfo height $path]}] set bd [Widget::cget $path -borderwidth] if {$bd < 1} { set bd 1 } if { $tabsOnBottom } { # adjust to keep bottom edge in view incr h1 -1 set top [expr {$top * -1}] set topPlusRadius [expr {$topPlusRadius * -1}] # Hrm... the canvas has an issue with drawing diagonal segments # of lines from the bottom to the top, so we have to draw this line # backwards (ie, lt is actually the bottom, drawn from right to left) set lt [list \ $rightPlusRadius [expr {$h1-$h-1}] \ [expr {$rightPlusRadius - $xBevel}] [expr {$h1 + $topPlusRadius}] \ [expr {$xf - $xBevel}] [expr {$h1 + $top}] \ [expr {$leftPlusRadius + $xBevel}] [expr {$h1 + $top}] \ ] set lb [list \ [expr {$leftPlusRadius + $xBevel}] [expr {$h1 + $top}] \ [expr {$xd + $xBevel}] [expr {$h1 + $topPlusRadius}] \ $xd [expr {$h1-$h-1}] \ ] # Because we have to do this funky reverse order thing, we have to # swap the top/bottom colors too. set tmp $fgt set fgt $fgb set fgb $tmp } else { set lt [list \ $xd $h \ [expr {$xd + $xBevel}] $topPlusRadius \ [expr {$leftPlusRadius + $xBevel}] $top \ [expr {$xf + 1 - $xBevel}] $top \ ] set lb [list \ [expr {$xf + 1 - $xBevel}] [expr {$top + 1}] \ [expr {$rightPlusRadius - $xBevel}] $topPlusRadius \ $rightPlusRadius $h \ ] } set img [Widget::cget $path.f$page -image] set ytext $top if { $tabsOnBottom } { # The "+ 2" below moves the text closer to the bottom of the tab, # so it doesn't look so cramped. I should be able to achieve the # same goal by changing the anchor of the text and using this formula: # ytext = $top + $h1 - $textOffsetY # but that doesn't quite work (I think the linespace from the text # gets in the way) incr ytext [expr {$h1 - $h + 2}] } incr ytext $textOffsetY set xtext [expr {$xd + $textOffsetX}] if { $img != "" } { # if there's an image, put it on the left and move the text right set ximg $xtext incr xtext [expr {[image width $img] + 2}] } if { $data(select) == $page } { set bd [Widget::cget $path -borderwidth] if {$bd < 1} { set bd 1 } set fg [_getoption $path $page -foreground] } else { set bd 1 if { [Widget::cget $path.f$page -state] == "normal" } { set fg [_getoption $path $page -foreground] } else { set fg [_getoption $path $page -disabledforeground] } } # --- creation ou modification de l'onglet -------------------------------- # Sven if { $create } { # Create the tab region if { $path in $tabs } { $path.c create text $xtext $ytext \ -tags [list page p:$page $page:text] } else { eval [list $path.c create polygon] [concat $lt $lb] [list \ -tags [list page p:$page $page:poly] \ -outline $bg \ -fill $bg \ ] eval [list $path.c create line] $lt [list \ -tags [list page p:$page $page:top top] -fill $fgt -width $bd] eval [list $path.c create line] $lb [list \ -tags [list page p:$page $page:bot bot] -fill $fgb -width $bd] $path.c create text $xtext $ytext \ -text [Widget::cget $path.f$page -text] \ -font [Widget::cget $path -font] \ -fill $fg \ -anchor nw \ -tags [list page p:$page $page:text] $path.c bind p:$page \ [list NoteBook::_select $path $page] $path.c bind p:$page \ [list NoteBook::_highlight on $path $page] $path.c bind p:$page \ [list NoteBook::_highlight off $path $page] } } else { if { $path in $tabs } { while 0 {} } else { $path.c coords "$page:text" $xtext $ytext $path.c itemconfigure "$page:text" \ -text [Widget::cget $path.f$page -text] \ -font [Widget::cget $path -font] \ -fill $fg } } eval [list $path.c coords "$page:poly"] [concat $lt $lb] eval [list $path.c coords "$page:top"] $lt eval [list $path.c coords "$page:bot"] $lb $path.c itemconfigure "$page:poly" -fill $bg -outline $bg $path.c itemconfigure "$page:top" -fill $fgt -width $bd $path.c itemconfigure "$page:bot" -fill $fgb -width $bd # Sven end if { $img != "" } { # Sven set id [$path.c find withtag $page:img] if { [string equal $id ""] } { set id [$path.c create image $ximg $ytext \ -anchor nw \ -tags [list page p:$page $page:img]] } $path.c coords $id $ximg $ytext $path.c itemconfigure $id -image $img # Sven end } else { $path.c delete $page:img } if { $data(select) == $page } { $path.c raise p:$page } elseif { $pos == 0 } { if { $data(select) == "" } { $path.c raise p:$page } else { $path.c lower p:$page p:$data(select) } } else { set pred [lindex $data(pages) [expr {$pos-1}]] if { $data(select) != $pred || $pos == 1 } { $path.c lower p:$page p:$pred } else { $path.c lower p:$page p:[lindex $data(pages) [expr {$pos-2}]] } } } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_draw_arrows # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_draw_arrows { path } { variable _warrow variable $path upvar 0 $path data set w [expr {[winfo width $path]-1}] set h [expr {$data(hpage)-1}] set nbpages [llength $data(pages)] set xl 0 set xr [expr {$w-$_warrow+1}] # Sven set side [Widget::cget $path -side] if { [string equal $side "bottom"] } { set h1 [expr {[winfo height $path]-1}] set bd [Widget::cget $path -borderwidth] if {$bd < 1} { set bd 1 } set y0 [expr {$h1 - $data(hpage) + $bd}] } else { set y0 1 } # Sven end (all y positions where replaced with $y0 later) if { $data(base) > 0 } { # Sven if { ![llength [$path.c find withtag "leftarrow"]] } { $path.c create window $xl $y0 \ -width $_warrow \ -height $h \ -anchor nw \ -window $path.c.fg \ -tags "leftarrow" } else { $path.c coords "leftarrow" $xl $y0 $path.c itemconfigure "leftarrow" -width $_warrow -height $h } # Sven end } else { $path.c delete "leftarrow" } if { $data(base) < $nbpages-1 && $data(wpage) + [_get_x_page $path 0] + 6 > $w } { # Sven if { ![llength [$path.c find withtag "rightarrow"]] } { $path.c create window $xr $y0 \ -width $_warrow \ -height $h \ -window $path.c.fd \ -anchor nw \ -tags "rightarrow" } else { $path.c coords "rightarrow" $xr $y0 $path.c itemconfigure "rightarrow" -width $_warrow -height $h } # Sven end } else { $path.c delete "rightarrow" } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::hide_tabs # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::hide_tabs { path args } { variable _hidden set _hidden $args } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_draw_area # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_draw_area { path } { variable _hidden variable $path upvar 0 $path data if {[info exists _hidden]} { set tabs $_hidden } else { set tabs "none" } set w [expr {[winfo width $path] - 1}] set h [expr {[winfo height $path] - 1}] set bd [Widget::cget $path -borderwidth] if {$bd < 1} { set bd 1 } set x0 [expr {$bd - 1}] set arcRadius [Widget::cget $path -arcradius] # Sven set side [Widget::cget $path -side] if {"$side" == "bottom"} { set y0 0 set y1 [expr {$h - $data(hpage)}] set yo $y1 } else { set y0 $data(hpage) set y1 $h set yo [expr {$h-$y0}] } # Sven end set dbg $data(dbg) set sel $data(select) if { $sel == "" } { set xd [expr {$w/2}] set xf $xd set lbg $data(dbg) } else { set xd [_get_x_page $path [lsearch -exact $data(pages) $data(select)]] set xf [expr {$xd + $data($sel,width) + $arcRadius + 1}] set lbg $data(lbg) } # Sven if { $path in $tabs } { set y0 2 } if { [llength [$path.c find withtag rect]] == 0} { if { $path in $tabs } { $path.c create line $x0 $y0 $x0 $y1 \ -tags "rect toprect1" $path.c create line $x0 $y0 $w $y0 \ -tags "rect toprect2" } else { $path.c create line $xd $y0 $x0 $y0 $x0 $y1 \ -tags "rect toprect1" $path.c create line $w $y0 $xf $y0 \ -tags "rect toprect2" } $path.c create line 1 $h $w $h $w $y0 \ -tags "rect botrect" } if {"$side" == "bottom"} { $path.c coords "toprect1" $w $y0 $x0 $y0 $x0 $y1 $path.c coords "toprect2" $x0 $y1 $xd $y1 $path.c coords "botrect" $xf $y1 $w $y1 $w $y0 $path.c itemconfigure "toprect1" -fill $lbg -width $bd $path.c itemconfigure "toprect2" -fill $dbg -width $bd $path.c itemconfigure "botrect" -fill $dbg -width $bd } else { if { $path in $tabs } { $path.c coords "toprect1" $x0 $y0 $x0 $y1 $path.c coords "toprect2" $x0 $y0 $w $y0 } else { $path.c coords "toprect1" $xd $y0 $x0 $y0 $x0 $y1 $path.c coords "toprect2" $w $y0 $xf $y0 } $path.c coords "botrect" $x0 $h $w $h $w $y0 $path.c itemconfigure "toprect1" -fill $lbg -width $bd if { $path in $tabs } { $path.c itemconfigure "toprect2" -fill $lbg -width [expr {$bd + 2}] } else { $path.c itemconfigure "toprect2" -fill $lbg -width $bd } $path.c itemconfigure "botrect" -fill $dbg -width $bd } $path.c raise "rect" # Sven end if { $sel != "" } { # Sven if { [llength [$path.c find withtag "window"]] == 0 } { $path.c create window 2 [expr {$y0+1}] \ -width [expr {$w-3}] \ -height [expr {$yo-3}] \ -anchor nw \ -tags "window" \ -window $path.f$sel } $path.c coords "window" 2 [expr {$y0+1}] $path.c itemconfigure "window" \ -width [expr {$w-3}] \ -height [expr {$yo-3}] \ -window $path.f$sel # Sven end } else { $path.c delete "window" } } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command NoteBook::_resize # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc NoteBook::_resize { path } { variable $path upvar 0 $path data # Check if pages are fully initialized or if we are still initializing if { 0 < [llength $data(pages)] && ![info exists data([lindex $data(pages) end],width)] } { return } if {!$data(realized)} { set data(realized) 1 if { [Widget::cget $path -width] == 0 || [Widget::cget $path -height] == 0 } { # This does an update allowing other events (resize) to enter # In addition, it does a redraw, so first set the realized and # then exit compute_size $path return } } NoteBook::_redraw $path } # Tree::_set_help -- # # Register dynamic help for a node in the tree. # # Arguments: # path Tree to query # node Node in the tree # force Optional argument to force a reset of the help # # Results: # none # Tree::_set_help -- # # Register dynamic help for a node in the tree. # # Arguments: # path Tree to query # node Node in the tree # force Optional argument to force a reset of the help # # Results: # none proc NoteBook::_set_help { path page } { Widget::getVariable $path help set item $path.f$page set opts [list -helptype -helptext -helpvar] foreach {cty ctx cv} [eval [list Widget::hasChangedX $item] $opts] break set text [Widget::getoption $item -helptext] ## If we've never set help for this item before, and text is not blank, ## we need to setup help. We also need to reset help if any of the ## options have changed. if { (![info exists help($page)] && $text != "") || $cty || $ctx || $cv } { set help($page) 1 set type [Widget::getoption $item -helptype] switch $type { balloon { DynamicHelp::register $path.c balloon p:$page $text } variable { set var [Widget::getoption $item -helpvar] DynamicHelp::register $path.c variable p:$page $var $text } } } } proc NoteBook::_get_page_name { path {item current} {tagindex end-1} } { return [string range [lindex [$path.c gettags $item] $tagindex] 2 end] }