Robot using already existing servo amplifiers
2. Direction (direction in)
3. unused
4. Write strobe (rising edge to write step/Dir to selected joint)
5. Read enable (true to read limit sw)
6. unused
7. Shoulder select
8. unused
9. L wrist select
10. R wrist select
11. unused
12. unused
13. /overrange (low when following error)
14. unused
15 /reset (active low)
16 clock (continuous)
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That sounds like fun
maybe charge_pump to generate the strobe, multiswitch to select the joints and chose a stepgen output from a pair of muxes?
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Ok now I have 3 additional questions
1) L WRIST and R WRIST are in differential orientation. Thus, different directions means hand is rotating and same direction moving up down the wrist. How may achieve the rotation when the direction becomes from the same pin?
2) Pin 1 has got a bidirectional attitude. Is that a problem for the parport?
3) When I have to set true pin5 (read enable)? When I am close enough based on counting?
Also for educational purpose,
Could you explain me how the last bit of counting determines the dir? That was troubling me a lot...
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1) L WRIST and R WRIST are in differential orientation. Thus, different directions means hand is rotating and same direction moving up down the wrist. How may achieve the rotation when the direction becomes from the same pin?
it is going to be something like stepgen.2.position-cmd = joint2 + joint3 and stepgen.3.position-cmd = joint1 - joint3.
In HAL this will look like:
loadrt sum2 count=2
addf sum2.0 servo-thread
addf sum2.1 servo-thread
net wrist-angle-cmd axis.2.motor-pos-cmd sum2.0.in0 sum2.1.in0
net net-wrist-rot-cmd axis.3.motor-pos-cmd sum2.0.in1 sum2.1.in1
setp sum2.0.gain0 1
setp sum2.0.gain1 1
setp sum2.1.gain0 -1
setp sum2.1.gain1 1
net lw-cmd sum2.0.out stepgen.2.position-cmd
net rw-cmd sum2.1.out stepgen.3.position-cmd
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1) L WRIST and R WRIST are in differential orientation. Thus, different directions means hand is rotating and same direction moving up down the wrist. How may achieve the rotation when the direction becomes from the same pin?
The different joints step and direction data is written independently
That is to write L_WRIST step and direction data, you set L wrist select high (and all other selects low)
then set the step (data) and direction pins to the proper states, then assert the write strobe pin high and then low
You do the same for the other joints
I am not sure about whether you need to set the step pulse low again with a particular timing to get one count
2) Pin 1 has got a bidirectional attitude. Is that a problem for the parport?
Yes, though it may be doable with just a series resistor
3) When I have to set true pin5 (read enable)? When I am close enough based on counting?
Read enable just drives the data pin (1) with the limit switch state (again you must select the joint with one of the L wrist, R wrist or shoulder select lines high, all others low)
Also for educational purpose,
Could you explain me how the last bit of counting determines the dir? That was troubling me a lot...
This is 2's complement counting so for example if I count down when at 0b00000000
the next count is 0b11111111 (-1 in 2's complement). In 2's complement the MSB is referred to as the sign bit
(negative counts have a '1' sign bit)
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You are really helpful!
I will need few days make it clear in my head!
I also have to read the mans of charge_pump, multiswitch, stepgen, ... and make the hal "schematic" in my head
best regards
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I am back with furthermore questions!
I still cannot understand, how the motor driver boards, read steps. The strobe just pass input state to output at the rising edge. So, state can be true or false and will be like that, until the next strobe?
If that happens, how I determine the velocity and the number of steps?
Also, do I have to make a hal component for the kinematics?
Can I convert a .C file to hal component?
Thank you in advance!
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It is more that the driver ignores the value on the step/dir pins until the next strobe.The strobe just pass input state to output at the rising edge. So, state can be true or false and will be like that, until the next strobe?
You don't, the software does that.If that happens, how I determine the velocity and the number of steps?
It might turn out to be the easiest way.Also, do I have to make a hal component for the kinematics?!
"comp" can compile and install kinematics files written in C.
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All this time I was experimenting on Hal based of what you said but only in my laptop without connecting the Hal with the hardware.
Before start try things in the real word I would like your confirmations suggestions or corrections for some of my thoughts. Also I need more guidelines on some Hal issues
Hardware issues,
read enable and SW are really a trouble for me. So I decide to connect them (the switches) with the parport, but I need 13 outputs and 7 inputs and that is not doable. So I thought put all the SW in the same pin and by using a Hal and2 with axis.N.amp-enable-out to isolate them.
Another issue is the steps. I think, the counters in the driver boards increase the velocity by counting, so we do not have steps but velocity stages. Is that true?
Also do I have to reset the entire drive board each time I change a joint move?
HAL issues,
mux8 need a 3bit information how am I generate those 3bit for a joint?
Where am I connect the error occur pins from the drive unit?
That's for now,
Thank you in advance
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mux8 need a 3bit information how am I generate those 3bit for a joint?
I think that you can do a lot of this with a self-driving mux
For a bit-type mux you probably need to use mux_generic
Here is the idea, it might not be immediately obvious how this is meant to work
It is important to realise that a HAL component runs every thread, and every thread it reads the inputs, writes the outputs, and exits.
This means that you can sequence things by connecting the outputs of a component to its own inputs.
So, if we were to take a 32-bit unsigned mux we could use it as a look-up table, where each entry contains the data you want to output and the "address" of the next entry in the table.
Lets take a simple 4-entry example, we could format the data like this (where aaa, bbb are the 30 binary data bits available as output)
If we take the output of the mux through "bitslice"
net foo mux-gen.00.out =>
net addr0 bitslice.0.bit-30 => mux-gen.00.sel-bit000
net addr1 bitslice.0.bit-31 => mux-gen.00.sel-bit001
Now the mux4-bit we created will cycle through its entries automatically.
What I propose is that you can define bit 0 as the strobe, and bits 1 2 and 3 as the select bits for two _other_ bitwise muxes that gate-through the step and dir signals.
So, mux entry 0 contains the address of mux entry 1, and the bit pattern for stepgen 0, and a strobe of 0.
mux entry 1 has the address to 2, the same bit pattern to select the stepgen-mux, and strobe 1.
I have forgotten how many stepgens you need to drive, bit lets guess at 8. To make this easy I am going to be inefficient with the bits.
nibble 0 (bits 0-3) is strobe, nibble1 (bits 4 to 6) is stepgen address, nibble 3 (bits 8 -11) is the address of the next entry. Things could be more efficient packed more tightly, but then I would find it harder to work out the hex in my head
There is room for _far_ more data in this scheme, and the table could have 1024 entries
loadrt mux_generic config=uu16,bb8,bb8
loadrt bitslice count=1 personality=12
#note the addf order, this is important
addf mux-gen.00 base-thread
addf bitlsice.0 base-thread
addf mux-gen.01 base-thread
addf mux-gen.02 base-thread
net data mux-gen.00.out-u32 =>
# This is the data table, (0x means "this is a hex number")
setp 0x100
setp 0x201
setp 0x310
setp 0x411
setp 0x520
setp 0x621
setp 0x730
setp 0x831
setp 0x940
setp 0xA41
setp 0xB50
setp 0xC51
setp 0xD60
setp 0xE61
setp 0xF70
setp 0x071
#loop-back the select pins to make the mux self-driving
net addr0 bitslice.0.bit-8 => mux-gen.00.sel0
net addr1 bitslice.0.bit-9 => mux-gen.00.sel1
net addr2 bitslice.0.bit-10 => mux-gen.00.sel2
net addr3 bitslice.0.bit-11 => mux-gen.00.sel3
# link the strobe pin
net strobe bitslice.0.bit-00 =>
#connect the select pins for the step-dir diverters
net sel0 bitslice.0.bit-4 => mux-gen.01.sel0 mux-gen.02.sel0
net sel1 bitslice.0.bit-5 => mux-gen.01.sel1 mux-gen.02.sel1
net sel2 bitslice.0.bit-6 => mux-gen.02.sel2 mux-gen.02.sel2
#And finally connect up the stepgens
net step-out mux-gen.01.out-bit =>
net step0 stepgen.0.step =>
net step1 stepgen.1.step =>
net step2 stepgen.2.step =>
net step3 stepgen.3.step =>
net step4 stepgen.4.step =>
net step5 stepgen.5.step =>
net step6 stepgen.6.step =>
net step7 stepgen.7.step =>
net step-out mux-gen.02.out-bit =>
net step0 stepgen.0.dir =>
net step1 stepgen.1.dir =>
net step2 stepgen.2.dir =>
net step3 stepgen.3.dir =>
net step4 stepgen.4.dir =>
net step5 stepgen.5.dir =>
net step6 stepgen.6.dir =>
net step7 stepgen.7.dir =>
Note that this code is entirely untested, I just typed it in while scanning the docs. Also be aware that neither bitslice nor mux-generic are in the current release, you would need to install 2.6 or Master (precompiled packages are available, it is just a bit of config and a package-manager upgrade).
I will also admit that I am really rather proud of this bit of HAL-wrangling
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