Documentation example for 5i25 + 7i77 + 1 servo

  • emcPT
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31 Dec 2014 23:05 #54449 by emcPT
One of the things that most customers ask me are examples for a real working configuration when using mesa products. I believe that there is no documentation available with a "walk through" that can help new users to install and configure a simple system, at least to make a motor running and basic IO. Mesa documentation is accurate but not easy to read, and linuxcnc is also hard to start (long time ago I quit on my first try (or maybe after the 3rd :( )). If the user can see something working it will be more inclined to continue, and therefor it will not quit so easily.

Therefor we are thinking on creating a document that will contain the basic steps from ZERO to having a servo working using 5i25 (same as 6i25 for the example) with a 7i77, that is probably the system that I most sell, and becomes more complex due to the encoder connection. Some photos to help would probably be good.

What do you think? Should we prepare a documentation to another set up, or the 5i25+7i77+1 servo is a good idea?
Feedback is welcome as this will consume us a few days and we would like to make it right at first try.


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01 Jan 2015 05:16 #54457 by cmorley
Were you thinking using pncconf or doing it manually?
a video of pncconf probably would help.
Soon I am going to update pncconf in master to handle spindle gearboxes with two speeds and add gs2 vfd connects.
If the bugs get worked out fast then I'll cherrypick it to 2.7
also experimenting with pncconf 'discovery' of cards on a live system.

Which ever way you do it - it is a worthy endever !

Chris M

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01 Jan 2015 16:04 - 01 Jan 2015 16:05 #54460 by dracozny
I prefer well written walkthroughs with pictures, videos can be helpful but sometimes are rushed and not very methodical with easily missed steps add in language barriers and the way people speak and it just adds to the difficulty. The Wiki does have some nice nuggets but I think for many read a tad too technical. I get lost in them myself.
Last edit: 01 Jan 2015 16:05 by dracozny.

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02 Jan 2015 01:24 #54468 by akb1212
It has been mentioned already, but since it's discussed how to du it I wanted to ask you to include a walk through of what cards do what, where each card and each of the ports of the cards live.

As it is now it's not straight forward to understand the logic of the ports and setting them up, even if using Pncconf. What are each smart serial ports used for, and why do they show up like they do?

And also mention the PWM/analogue outputs. I have learned that there are no PWM on the 7i77 (in the ini file that is), but you need to configure them. Confusing at first!

And the encoders show up as attached to the 5i25, but are connected to the 7i77. Confusing at first if you don't know about it.

Thanks for taking this initiative! It will hopefully lower the learning curve somewhat, and contribute to not scare way as many potential users as are scared away now.....


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02 Jan 2015 02:07 #54469 by PCW

And also mention the PWM/analogue outputs. I have learned that there are no PWM on the 7i77 (in the ini file that is), but you need to configure them. Confusing at first!

This should probably be fixed in pncconf by just calling analog outputs "analog outputs"
and hiding the actual implementation details in the hal file

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  • emcPT
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03 Jan 2015 03:24 #54507 by emcPT

Were you thinking using pncconf or doing it manually?
a video of pncconf probably would help.
Soon I am going to update pncconf in master to handle spindle gearboxes with two speeds and add gs2 vfd connects.
If the bugs get worked out fast then I'll cherrypick it to 2.7
also experimenting with pncconf 'discovery' of cards on a live system.

Which ever way you do it - it is a worthy endever !

Chris M

Maybe we will not using pncconfig. Mosty because if pncconfig is changed (even only visually) the document will be automatically outdated, and if a user will see pictures on a manual then it will check pncconfig and are different the document will probably confuse and not help. Also we will make a simple 1 axis config and maybe emergency stop and another IO, so it will be simple.

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  • emcPT
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03 Jan 2015 03:25 #54508 by emcPT

I prefer well written walkthroughs with pictures, videos can be helpful but sometimes are rushed and not very methodical with easily missed steps add in language barriers and the way people speak and it just adds to the difficulty. The Wiki does have some nice nuggets but I think for many read a tad too technical. I get lost in them myself.

Yes, I also agree. A solid document is better to this issue than a video. The hard thing to do is the solid part of the document!

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03 Jan 2015 03:32 #54509 by emcPT

It has been mentioned already, but since it's discussed how to du it I wanted to ask you to include a walk through of what cards do what, where each card and each of the ports of the cards live.

Thanks for taking this initiative! It will hopefully lower the learning curve somewhat, and contribute to not scare way as many potential users as are scared away now.....


That is a good idea. I do not know also all of them as I normally only stock what is most sold, but a simple non-technical description would help.


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03 Jan 2015 06:17 #54515 by NeoTech
As a new user.. i would like to see both the wizard config, and the manual way.. Because 1) i wanna se how its done with known hardware. and 2) how its done with hardware not suported in the wizard but with driver.

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09 Feb 2015 02:26 #55815 by emcPT
First steps are made and we decided to go for the wiki type.
Please take a look on:

and to see how we are thinking of showing, for example mesa information (please let me know if this is clear enough):
Is is basically the Mesa information on a more soft, pratical language.

The good thing is that we got an order for making a machine, so all documentation will have a real base. Some information about the mechanical construction will also be added (it is already being added).

Errors are present for sure. If anyone is interested in writing in the Wiki, drop me a personal message.

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