Spanish translation, again
This thread is only to show my progress with the Spanish translation. Some time ago I started work and after learning and understanding the whole thing ... the end of the road is in sight
This code shows the current status of the completed, compiled and revised work (2.8 version).
getting-started/about-linuxcnc_es.txt \
getting-started/system-requirements_es.txt \
getting-started/getting-linuxcnc_es.txt \
getting-started/running-linuxcnc_es.txt \
getting-started/updating-linuxcnc_es.txt \
common/linux-faq_es.txt \
common/overleaf_es.txt \
config/ini-config_es.txt \
config/ini-homing_es.txt \
config/integrator-concepts_es.txt \
config/lathe-config_es.txt \
config/moveoff_es.txt \
config/stepconf_es.txt \
config/stepper-diagnostics_es.txt \
config/stepper_es.txt \
config/pncconf_es.txt \
user/user-foreword_es.txt \
user/user-intro_es.txt \
user/user-concepts_es.txt \
user/starting-linuxcnc_es.txt \
gcode/coordinates_es.txt \
gcode/g-code_es.txt \
gcode/machining-center_es.txt \
gcode/m-code_es.txt \
gcode/o-code_es.txt \
gcode/overview_es.txt \
gcode/tool-compensation_es.txt \
lathe/lathe-user_es.txt \
plasma/plasma-cnc-primer_es.txt \
config/stepper-quickstart_es.txt \
code/code-notes_es.txt \
code/style-guide_es.txt \
code/nml-messages_es.txt \
code/adding-configs_es.txt \
code/contributing-to-linuxcnc_es.txt \
code/building-linuxcnc_es.txt \
gui/axis_es.txt \
gui/gmoccapy_es.txt \
gui/tooledit_es.txt \
gui/touchy_es.txt \
gui/gscreen_es.txt \
gui/qtdragon_es.txt \
gui/qtvcp_es.txt \
hal/intro_es.txt \
hal/twopass_es.txt \
hal/basic-hal_es.txt \
hal/tutorial_es.txt \
config/core-components_es.txt \
hal/components_es.txt \
hal/rtcomps_es.txt \
hal/halshow_es.txt \
Master_Getting_Started_es.txt \
Master_Documentation_es.txt \
Master_Developer_es.txt \
I have more translated documentation: man pages, .po files, READMEs from ../configs, images, etc.
The volume of documentation is very large so the work consumes an enormous amount of time. My intention is to complete a consistent translation, not just random pieces.
Please be patient.
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- tommylight
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I have just submitted some changes to "getting linuxcnc" and "system requirements" but already have someone lined-up to update those.
Can I ask you to submit your work to date, at least for these two files and also to "updating linuxcnc" to avoid conflicts and duplicated work.
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I have just submitted some changes to "getting linuxcnc" and "system requirements" .......
Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present to you our star ...... the biggest headache of translations ... MAINTENANCE.
Andy, certainly a lot of documentation is very outdated.
At the beginning of this work I checked github very often for modifications in the sources but I abandoned that philosophy because it was not very productive.
My focus is to do a full translation (well, almost complete, the man pages apparently produced by halcompile present difficulties) and then I will focus on "maintenance" when 2.8 is closer to being "stable version".
Meanwhile, I have created a fork on github with the working branch "2.8-es" where progress can be followed. I push files on it only when they compile on my RIP. The branch can be accessed at
warning ... the order and information in my commits leaves a lot to be desired .... but it is my workplace and I am looking for comfort, not rigor. Everyone is invited to explore it.
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My focus is to do a full translation (well, almost complete, the man pages apparently produced by halcompile present difficulties) and then I will focus on "maintenance" when 2.8 is closer to being "stable version".
2.8 is close. In fact, on the release checklist:
I am nearly finished with "Prep work: write and translate the Updating instructions" and actually at "Notify the translators"
We can update the docs further in 2.8.1 etc, as long as "Getting" and "Updating" are correct.
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2.8 is close. In fact, on the release checklist: ...........
Opsss, I didn't know. The wiki is not one of my favorite sites. I never read ReleaseCheckList. Every day you learn something.
Well, I will see your changes in "getting linuxcnc", "system requirements" and "updating linuxcnc", the translations will be checked and I will push them to my repository.
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Opsss, I didn't know. The wiki is not one of my favorite sites. I never read ReleaseCheckList. Every day you learn something.
Mainly you have chosen a very apposite moment to start doing the translations.
Well, I will see your changes in "getting linuxcnc", "system requirements" and "updating linuxcnc", the translations will be checked and I will push them to my repository.
I think that "system requirements" and "getting linuxcnc" are now up to date. (some file names and MD5 sums will need to change before the actual release). I plan to complete the changes to "updating" this evening.
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code/adding-configs_es.txt \
code/building-linuxcnc_es.txt \
code/code-notes_es.txt \
code/contributing-to-linuxcnc_es.txt \
code/nml-messages_es.txt \
code/rs274_es.txt \
code/style-guide_es.txt \
common/emc-history_es.txt \
common/glossary_es.txt \
common/gpld-copyright_es.txt \
common/linux-faq_es.txt \
common/overleaf_es.txt \
config/core-components_es.txt \
config/ini-config_es.txt \
config/ini-homing_es.txt \
config/integrator-concepts_es.txt \
config/lathe-config_es.txt \
config/moveoff_es.txt \
config/pncconf_es.txt \
config/python-interface_es.txt \
config/stepconf_es.txt \
config/stepper_es.txt \
config/stepper-diagnostics_es.txt \
config/stepper-quickstart_es.txt \
examples/gcode_es.txt \
examples/gs2-example_es.txt \
examples/pci-parallel-port_es.txt \
examples/spindle_es.txt \
gcode/coordinates_es.txt \
gcode/g-code_es.txt \
gcode/m-code_es.txt \
gcode/machining-center_es.txt \
gcode/o-code_es.txt \
gcode/other-code_es.txt \
gcode/overview_es.txt \
gcode/rs274ngc_es.txt \
gcode/tool-compensation_es.txt \
getting-started/about-linuxcnc_es.txt \
getting-started/getting-linuxcnc_es.txt \
getting-started/running-linuxcnc_es.txt \
getting-started/system-requirements_es.txt \
getting-started/updating-linuxcnc_es.txt \
gui/axis_es.txt \
gui/gmoccapy_es.txt \
gui/gscreen_es.txt \
gui/qtdragon_es.txt \
gui/qtvcp_es.txt \
gui/tooledit_es.txt \
gui/touchy_es.txt \
hal/basic-hal_es.txt \
hal/components_es.txt \
hal/halshow_es.txt \
hal/intro_es.txt \
hal/rtcomps_es.txt \
hal/tutorial_es.txt \
hal/twopass_es.txt \
lathe/lathe-user_es.txt \
plasma/plasma-cnc-primer_es.txt \
user/starting-linuxcnc_es.txt \
user/user-concepts_es.txt \
user/user-foreword_es.txt \
user/user-intro_es.txt \
Master_Developer_es.txt \
Master_Documentation_es.txt \
Master_Getting_Started_es.txt \
reviewed files suggested by Andy
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Andy, don't worry about the source files fixes/modifications.
In the second phase I plan to track the changes.
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