Swits problems
- Frederik
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- cncbasher
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in hal test are the switches shown and working correctly ?
if you are using the switches as limits and also home then set to both-home-x & both-home-y you may also need to invert the pin
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- andypugh
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I have a V90 from Probotix which run with emc2, which run as it should. I have just fitted swits on x and y , but nothing happens any time.
If it was working without the switches, then you need to change the HAL and INI files to use the switches after you add them.
In the Axis preview window you will see a little arrow appear next to the DRO position display for each axis when the switches operate, and clear when the switches clear. The first test to do is to manually operate the switches and see if you can see these change state.
If they don't, then the likely problem is that the switch inputs are not connected to the home/limit pins in HAL.
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- Frederik
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- andypugh
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Is there some files e.g. hal and ini which can replace, so one should not use a lot of time on something which is made in advance ...?
Do you have a V90.stepconf file lurking in your linuxcnc folder? If so then the easiest solution will be to add the limits in stepconf.
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- Frederik
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- andypugh
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I meant to suggest that you should run Stepconf (from the CNC menu) and modify your config to add the limit switches.
That file is the stepconf representation of your current configuration,
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- Frederik
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I am very pleased that you will help me.
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- andypugh
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Ok, I am prepared to do anything, but where and what should I start with.
I am guessing that you know which parallel port pins you connected the switches to. I am further guessing that you plan on using shared home/limit switches, one for each axis.
So, from the CNC menu select the Stepconf Wizard
On the second page select "modify an existing configuration"
Click "Forward" and then select the V90.Stepconf file.
Click Forward through Basic Machine Config
You might as well click "include HALUI" in the "Advanced Config Options"
Click forward to "Parallel Port setup" and look at the right-hand (inputs) column.
Select, for example, Pin 10 as "Both Limit + Home X"
Similarly for Y and Z axes, depending on how you wired the pins.
In the X-axis configuration panel you almost certainly want to set the home-switch position to -24, but I don't know for sure. It depends where the switch is.
If the home switch is at -24 then I think that the Home Search Velocity might need to be negative.
Similarly for axes Y and Z.
Then click through to the end, and Apply.
Check the witch operation manually as described earlier.
Then see what happens when you press "Home" (Be ready on the "ESC" button). You will probably need to adjust the homing directions, speeds, and the signs of the velocities. But that all depends on your machine setup.
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- Frederik
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