- GCode and Part Programs
- O Codes (subroutines) and NGCGUI
- NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
- Transistor
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14 Aug 2016 14:34 #78740
by Transistor
NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110" was created by Transistor
I'm getting started with NGCGUI nad have simp.ngc running OK. arc1.ngc and qpocket.ngc give me error message
If it's significant, I have modified my ini file to use the metric
I understand that M110 is a user-defined function but can't see where it's being requested.
Any ideas?
Unknown M code used: M110
If it's significant, I have modified my ini file to use the metric
DISPLAY = axis
... etc. ...
NGCGUI_PREAMBLE = mm_std.ngc
NGCGUI_SUBFILE = qpocket.ngc
TTT = truetype-tracer
TTT_PREAMBLE = mm_std.ngc
I understand that M110 is a user-defined function but can't see where it's being requested.
Any ideas?
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- BigJohnT
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14 Aug 2016 21:34 #78774
by BigJohnT
Replied by BigJohnT on topic NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
IIRC Dewey uses M110 to clear the Axis popup in some of the sample configs. Best to just make your own so you understand how they work.
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- Transistor
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14 Aug 2016 22:07 #78777
by Transistor
Replied by Transistor on topic NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
Is IIRC Dewey a person or a program?
Make my own what? I'm struggling to figure out the sequence of compiling the g-code from the NGCGUI apps. (I'm an industrial EE so I'm used to programming machines - just not this type!)
On a related topic, I notice that the NGCGUI apps are not adding a tool offset. The tool runs centered on the dimensions I specify. How do I fix that?
Thanks again for your support.
Make my own what? I'm struggling to figure out the sequence of compiling the g-code from the NGCGUI apps. (I'm an industrial EE so I'm used to programming machines - just not this type!)
On a related topic, I notice that the NGCGUI apps are not adding a tool offset. The tool runs centered on the dimensions I specify. How do I fix that?
Thanks again for your support.
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- Rick G
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15 Aug 2016 07:58 #78788
by Rick G
For example arc1.ngc
and spin.ngc
arc1.ngc calls spin.ngc and the M110 is used in spin for example.
Rick G
Replied by Rick G on topic NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
NGCGUI uses .ngc files. So you can create your own.Make my own what?
For example arc1.ngc
(info: arc1: inside/outside, cw/ccw, cutter radius compensation)
; Arc making subroutine formatted for ngcgui
; Specify:
; dir == 2 for cw, 3 for ccw
; inside == 1 for inside, 0 for outside
; xoff,yoff == arc center
; arc radius == distance to center of rotation
; angle == anglular spread of arc
; rotate == rotation of arc
; width == width of arc
; see also arc2.ngc to specify using center of rotation
; Copyright: 2012
; Author: Dewey Garrett <dgarrett@panix.com>
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
o<arc1> sub
#<toolno> = #1 (=1)
#<dir> = #2 (=2 2:cw 3:ccw)
#<inside> = #3 (=1 1:inside 0:outside)
#<rpm> = #4 (=2000)
#<feedrate> = #5 (=100)
#<zincr> = #6
#<cutdepth> = #7
#<zsafe> = #8 (=0.25)
#<zstart> = #9 (=0)
#<width> = #10 (=.3)
#<angle> = #11 (=45 Angle)
#<arc_r> = #12 (=2 Arc Radius)
#<rotate> = #13 (=-90)
#<xoff> = #14 (=2)
#<yoff> = #15 (=0)
#<scale> = #16 (=1)
#<spin_notify> = #17 (=0)
#<use_g43> = #18 (=1)
#<h_for_g43> = #19 (=0)
#<verbose> = #20 (=0)
#<min_angle> = 1 ;minimum angle
g40; cutter comp off to begin
o<i0> if [#<scale> LE 0]
(print, arc1: bad scale: #<scale> - EXITING)
(debug, arc1: bad scale: #<scale> - EXITING)
(AXIS,notify, arc1: bad scale - EXITING)
o<i0> endif
o<i1> if [[#<dir> NE 2] AND [#<dir> NE 3]]
(print, arc1: bad dir=#<dir> - EXITING)
(debug, arc1: bad dir=#<dir> - EXITING)
(AXIS,notify, arc1: bad dir - EXITING)
o<i1> endif
o<i2> if [[#<inside> NE 1] AND [#<inside> NE 0]]
(print, arc1: bad inside specifier: #<inside> - EXITING)
(debug, arc1: bad inside specifier: #<inside> - EXITING)
(AXIS,notify, arc1: bad inside specifier - EXITING)
o<i2> endif
o<i3> if [#<angle> LT #<min_angle>]
(print, arc1: angle too small: #<angle> - EXITING)
(debug, arc1: angle too small: #<angle> - EXITING)
(AXIS,notify, arc1: angle too small - EXITING)
o<i3> endif
o<loadtool> call [#<toolno>][#<use_g43>][#<h_for_g43>][#<verbose>]
#<tooldiam> = [#5410 + .001]
o<iftool> if [[#<tooldiam> GT #<width>] AND [#<inside> EQ 1]]
(print, arc1: tooldiam too big: #<tooldiam> - EXITING)
(debug, arc1: tooldiam too big: #<tooldiam> - EXITING)
(AXIS,notify, arc1: tooldiam too big - EXITING)
o<iftool> endif
; construct arc parallel to x axis (for transformation later)
#<slot_r> = [#<width>/2]
#<phi> = [90 - #<angle>/2]
#<distance> = [2 * #<arc_r> * COS[#<phi>]] ; between endpoints
; (xa,ya), (xb,yb), ... are points on arc
; (vxas,vyas), (vxbs,vybs), ... are vectors to subarc centers (short ones)
; (vxal,vyal), (vxbl,vybl), ... are vectors to subarc centers (long ones)
; start point is at center of outside arc:
#<x0> = 0
#<y0> = [#<slot_r> + #<arc_r> * [1 - sin[#<phi>]]]
#<vx0> = 0
#<vy0> = [0 - #<arc_r> - #<slot_r>]
#<xa> = [0 + #<distance>/2 + #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<ya> = [0 + #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxas> = [0 - #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vyas> = [0 - #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxal> = [0 - [#<arc_r> + #<slot_r>] * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vyal> = [0 - [#<arc_r> + #<slot_r>] * sin[#<phi>]]
#<xb> = [0 + #<distance>/2 - #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<yb> = [0 - #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxbs> = [0 + #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vybs> = [0 + #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxbl> = [0 - [#<arc_r> - #<slot_r>] * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vybl> = [0 - [#<arc_r> - #<slot_r>] * sin[#<phi>]]
#<xc> = [0 - #<distance>/2 + #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<yc> = [0 - #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxcs> = [0 - #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vycs> = [0 + #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxcl> = [0 + [#<arc_r> - #<slot_r>] * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vycl> = [0 - [#<arc_r> - #<slot_r>] * sin[#<phi>]]
#<xd> = [0 - #<distance>/2 - #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<yd> = [0 + #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxds> = [0 + #<slot_r> * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vyds> = [0 - #<slot_r> * sin[#<phi>]]
#<vxdl> = [0 + [#<arc_r> + #<slot_r> ] * cos[#<phi>]]
#<vydl> = [0 - [#<arc_r> + #<slot_r> ] * sin[#<phi>]]
;# this offset makes center at x,y = 0,0 for convenience:
#<yf> = [0 - #<arc_r> * [1 - sin[#<phi>]]]
#<y0> = [#<yf> + #<y0>]
#<ya> = [#<yf> + #<ya>]
#<yb> = [#<yf> + #<yb>]
#<yc> = [#<yf> + #<yc>]
#<yd> = [#<yf> + #<yd>]
; choose points according to dir:
o<ifdir> if [#<dir> EQ 2] ; cw 0->a->b->c->d->0
#<dir0> = 2 ; pre entry
#<dir1> = 2 ; most
#<dir2> = 3 ; inside of arc
; 1/4 circle arc entry move
#<xp> = [#<x0> - #<tooldiam>/2]
#<yp> = [#<y0> - #<tooldiam>/2]
#<vxp> = [#<tooldiam>/2]
#<vyp> = 0
#<x1> = #<xa>
#<y1> = #<ya>
#<vx1> = #<vxas>
#<vy1> = #<vyas>
#<x2> = #<xb>
#<y2> = #<yb>
#<vx2> = #<vxbl>
#<vy2> = #<vybl>
#<x3> = #<xc>
#<y3> = #<yc>
#<vx3> = #<vxcs>
#<vy3> = #<vycs>
#<x4> = #<xd>
#<y4> = #<yd>
#<vx4> = #<vxdl>
#<vy4> = #<vydl>
o<ifdir> else ; ccw 0->d->c->b->a->0
#<dir0> = 3 ; pre entry
#<dir1> = 3 ; most
#<dir2> = 2 ; inside of arc
; 1/4 circle arc entry move
#<xp> = [#<x0> + #<tooldiam>/2]
#<yp> = [#<y0> - #<tooldiam>/2]
#<vxp> = [0 - #<tooldiam>/2]
#<vyp> = 0
#<x1> = #<xd>
#<y1> = #<yd>
#<vx1> = #<vxds>
#<vy1> = #<vyds>
#<x2> = #<xc>
#<y2> = #<yc>
#<vx2> = #<vxcl>
#<vy2> = #<vycl>
#<x3> = #<xb>
#<y3> = #<yb>
#<vx3> = #<vxbs>
#<vy3> = #<vybs>
#<x4> = #<xa>
#<y4> = #<ya>
#<vx4> = #<vxal>
#<vy4> = #<vyal>
o<ifdir> endif
; apply rotation, scaling, offsets
o<move> call [#<xp>][#<yp>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][#<xoff>][#<yoff>]
#<xp> = #<_move:x>
#<yp> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<x0>][#<y0>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][#<xoff>][#<yoff>]
#<x0> = #<_move:x>
#<y0> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<x1>][#<y1>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][#<xoff>][#<yoff>]
#<x1> = #<_move:x>
#<y1> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<x2>][#<y2>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][#<xoff>][#<yoff>]
#<x2> = #<_move:x>
#<y2> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<x3>][#<y3>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][#<xoff>][#<yoff>]
#<x3> = #<_move:x>
#<y3> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<x4>][#<y4>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][#<xoff>][#<yoff>]
#<x4> = #<_move:x>
#<y4> = #<_move:y>
; vectors to arc centers: just rotate and scale, no offset
o<move> call [#<vxp>][#<vyp>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][0][0]
#<vxp> = #<_move:x>
#<vyp> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<vx0>][#<vy0>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][0][0]
#<vx0> = #<_move:x>
#<vy0> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<vx1>][#<vy1>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][0][0]
#<vx1> = #<_move:x>
#<vy1> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<vx2>][#<vy2>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][0][0]
#<vx2> = #<_move:x>
#<vy2> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<vx3>][#<vy3>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][0][0]
#<vx3> = #<_move:x>
#<vy3> = #<_move:y>
o<move> call [#<vx4>][#<vy4>][#<rotate>][#<scale>][0][0]
#<vx4> = #<_move:x>
#<vy4> = #<_move:y>
s #<rpm> m3
o<if1> if [#<spin_notify> GT 0]
o<spin> call [#<rpm>]
o<if1> endif
g0 z#<zsafe>
g0 x#<xp> y#<yp> ; pre-entry point
o<ifi0> if [#<inside> EQ 1]
o<ifi1> if [#<dir> EQ 2]
/g42 ;# cutter compensation right of path
o<ifi1> else
/g41 ;# cutter compensation left of path
o<ifi1> endif
o<ifi0> else
o<ifi2> if [#<dir> EQ 2]
/g41 ;# cutter compensation left of path
o<ifi2> else
/g42 ;# cutter compensation right of path
o<ifi2> endif
o<ifi0> endif
; entry with cutter radius compensation
g#<dir0> x#<x0> y#<y0> i #<vxp> j #<vyp>
g1 z#<zstart>
#<zcurrent> = [#<zstart> - #<zincr>]
o<wh1> while [#<zcurrent> GT [0 - #<cutdepth>]]
g#<dir1> x#<x1> y#<y1> i#<vx0> j#<vy0> z #<zcurrent>
g#<dir1> x#<x2> y#<y2> i#<vx1> j#<vy1>
g#<dir2> x#<x3> y#<y3> i#<vx2> j#<vy2>
g#<dir1> x#<x4> y#<y4> i#<vx3> j#<vy3>
g#<dir1> x#<x0> y#<y0> i#<vx4> j#<vy4>
o<wh1> endwhile
g#<dir1> x#<x1> y#<y1> i#<vx0> j#<vy0> z [0 - #<cutdepth>]
g#<dir1> x#<x2> y#<y2> i#<vx1> j#<vy1>
g#<dir2> x#<x3> y#<y3> i#<vx2> j#<vy2>
g#<dir1> x#<x4> y#<y4> i#<vx3> j#<vy3>
g#<dir1> x#<x0> y#<y0> i#<vx4> j#<vy4>
g#<dir1> x#<x1> y#<y1> i#<vx0> j#<vy0>
g0 z#<zsafe>
g40 ;# cancel cutter radius compensation
o<arc1> endsub
and spin.ngc
;dng-- designed with the axis gui in mind
; but not very intuitive with touchy
; so changed message and remove mandatory stop
; for touchy testing
;helper routine to prompt setting of spindle speed
;use after giving operator message for example
; 1) prompt user to continue
; 2) M110 clears axis notifications (requires emc2.4)
o<spin> sub
#<rpm> = #1
o<l0> if [#<_feature:> LT 1]
;(debug, S to continue: Spindle rpm=#<rpm>)
;m0 (mandatory stop)
(debug, Spindle rpm = #<rpm>)
M110 (axisui.notifications-clear)
o<l0> endif
o<spin> endsub
arc1.ngc calls spin.ngc and the M110 is used in spin for example.
Rick G
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- andypugh
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19 Aug 2016 13:12 #79065
by andypugh
Dewey is a person and also one of the LinuxCNC developers. In fact I think, but can't prove, that all of the LinuxCNC developers are persons.
FWIW I think he is also an EE, but has moved into making beautiful things out of wood: collectorsofwoodart.org/artist/bio/16
The suggestion was to make your own M110 routine.
Replied by andypugh on topic NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
Is IIRC Dewey a person or a program?
Make my own what? I'm struggling to figure out the sequence of compiling the g-code from the NGCGUI apps. (I'm an industrial EE so I'm used to programming machines - just not this type!)
Dewey is a person and also one of the LinuxCNC developers. In fact I think, but can't prove, that all of the LinuxCNC developers are persons.
FWIW I think he is also an EE, but has moved into making beautiful things out of wood: collectorsofwoodart.org/artist/bio/16
The suggestion was to make your own M110 routine.
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- BigJohnT
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20 Aug 2016 18:02 #79156
by BigJohnT
You write a subroutine for Ngcgui that fits your needs, the samples are just to show you how to write them.
Replied by BigJohnT on topic NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
On a related topic, I notice that the NGCGUI apps are not adding a tool offset. The tool runs centered on the dimensions I specify. How do I fix that?
You write a subroutine for Ngcgui that fits your needs, the samples are just to show you how to write them.
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- GCode and Part Programs
- O Codes (subroutines) and NGCGUI
- NGCGUI - qpocket - "Unknown M code used: M110"
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