Helpful Secondary Programs

26 Aug 2023 22:06 - 26 Aug 2023 22:07 #279035 by my1987toyota
At one time their was a post of recommended secondary programs to install alongside of Linuxcnc like
Inkscape,  FreeCAD, ECT, ECT. Is there any software that our seasoned installers reccommend
installing along side a fresh LCNC install?
Last edit: 26 Aug 2023 22:07 by my1987toyota. Reason: correcting spelling

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26 Aug 2023 23:07 #279036 by tommylight
-Inkscape = good for anything 2D and some 2.5D, exports for laser, mill, lathe, plasma, etc
-FreeCAD = very good for design and modeling, tech drawings, assembling stuff, and even some machining
-LibreCAD = poor mans AutoCAD, 2D DXF and such
-GIMP = photo editing at it's best, like PhotoShop but without the convolution
-KDenLive = non linear video editing, like Adobe Premiere but without the crashes
-Transmission = torrent downloader for ISO files
-FileZilla = SFTP with a nice GUI, upload/download from SSH servers
-Blender = absolute monstrosity, 3D modeling/editing/crayons/rendering/animation on steroids, BlenderCAM does 3D machining
-OBS-Studio = recording and streaming anything and everything, desktop, cameras, video files, etc
-HTOP = for whet stuff goes sideways, CLI only, good for finding what is bogging down the PC.
-TestDisk = CLI only, for when HDD/USB/NVME drives go bye bye, recovery
-NMap = network scanner, DO NOT USE without properly reading documentation = nuclear for someone with a 10GB line and no knowledge. This is all you ever need
nmap -p 22
scan only port 22 and only on the 192.168.1.x subnet, these IP addresses are private so are not routed outside of local network.
That is always on my personal PC/laptops, i have a lot of those around.
Also worth mentioning are
Dmap2Gcode = exactly what name implies, takes a pictures and generates a depth map for machining = i use it often
PyCAM = can do pretty good 3D machining, was quite slow back when i tested it so probably now it is better
ScorchWorks (makers of dmap2gcode) have some other machining stuff, very simple and useful.
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26 Aug 2023 23:11 #279037 by my1987toyota
WOW that's a bigger list then I was expecting ... in a good way. Thanks tommylight
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26 Aug 2023 23:14 #279038 by tommylight
Ventoy = for making bootable USB drives, very easy to use and has CLI and GUI, copy all the ISO to the USB, plug it in and choose what you want to boot.
Works with almost all ISO, Debian, Mint, etc, all work. Very good for testing, recovery, having a look at a distro without installing it, etc, etc. Boots FreeDos, for anyone into retro PC's.
Sorry, did not feel like editing the above post and risking making a mess. That warning must be seen.
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27 Aug 2023 00:36 #279045 by rodw
Replied by rodw on topic Helpful Secondary Programs
Its great to have a list of software but everyone's needs are quite personal. I was amazed how much the live installer grew once I allowed it to install to a HDD. There are quite a few things needed that you don't think about  like linux-headers, Tommy's beloved gdebi and many others before you get to applications. The installer is hovering around around 3 Gb now so for ease of downloading etc we can't keep bloating it. Inkscape for example must be  a bit weighty and I have never used it.

Its best to keep the distribution as a minimal install. If 3.0 Gb can be considered minimal!

I have given some thought to produce a PDF file with instructions on how to install ethercat, QTPYVCP and the like ad deploy it to the users's Documents folder. Perhaps a list like this could be added to that.

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27 Aug 2023 01:42 #279050 by tommylight
This will install everything on the main list, the bottom 3 are just download and run.
sudo apt install  freecad librecad inkscape gimp kdenlive transmission filezilla blender obs-studio htop testdisk nmap
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27 Aug 2023 02:30 #279060 by my1987toyota
well that sure makes things nice and simple.
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