Create new Named Parameter

29 Nov 2019 18:58 #151517 by Vmax549
Replied by Vmax549 on topic Create new Named Parameter
Hi Andy it works perfectly now that I fugured out that PP does not understand anything but a float value . BUT Python does so I just had to move teh DATETIME over to puthon to use when creating teh engraving sequence to be used by PPs G47 sequential s/n engraving function.

ACtually I used their code and create a new Gcode G46 that has all teh attributes of their G47 except it only engraves teh DateTime. It uses a set of numbes that are predefined. The Height and wideth can be adjusted with G47/46 parameters.

On the part there is a pad machined to receive the Datetime and S/N.

When the pad is machined the prefixes are engraved from CAM


Then the gcode calls teh G46 and engraves teh Date time and then moved and calls the G47 and it engraves teh next S/N

ManfDate: 112920161805
S/N: 000123456

Just like teh big boys can do it.

It does not matter about teh time value as it is ONLY called one time in teh routine and teh resolution is down to minutes.

IF you try to put teh datetime into a Mcode it will always come out as a Float value with decimals. I tried that already.

The G46 method works perfectly. You could actually roll it all into the G47 function with switches .

ALSO teh PP routine only does X axis engraving. I also changed that to be able to do Y axis and I am going to take a look at Axis as well.

NOW if PP can add that routine it will be swell.

(;-) TP

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29 Nov 2019 21:21 #151522 by Vmax549
Replied by Vmax549 on topic Create new Named Parameter
Hi Andy interesting how you did teh cylinder engraving . Haas has teh Cylindrical engraving function.

For having alpha letters I used this MacroB setup and borrow teh letters

The letters are also scalable .

(;-) TP

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29 Nov 2019 21:24 #151523 by Vmax549
Replied by Vmax549 on topic Create new Named Parameter
Andy how do you get teh X/A toolpath to display that way. PP has an X/A but it does not have teh X/A toolpath that centers on X. The display is always off center and off scale to the X centerline.

I am assuming they did not setup a 4th axis toolpath display.

(;-) TP

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02 Dec 2019 23:53 #151788 by andypugh
Replied by andypugh on topic Create new Named Parameter
I had to fiddle it a bit to get the display that good for the demo photo.

1) You need to set GEOMETRY = AXYZ in the [DISPLAY] section of the INI.
2) You need to be touched-off such that Z = 0 is on the axis of rotation.
Which might not be convenient for actual milling.

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16 Dec 2019 16:01 #152748 by Vmax549
Replied by Vmax549 on topic Create new Named Parameter
Hi Andy I still have not been able to get a 4th toolpath displayed. Does your setup use joints or kenimatics ?? PP has NONE of those.

(;-) TP

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16 Dec 2019 17:52 - 16 Dec 2019 17:52 #152761 by smgvbest
Replied by smgvbest on topic Create new Named Parameter
PP loads
loadrt trivkins
thats kinematics
where do you think it doesn't have it?
Last edit: 16 Dec 2019 17:52 by smgvbest.

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16 Dec 2019 18:13 #152762 by Vmax549
Replied by Vmax549 on topic Create new Named Parameter
PP so far has NOT been able to do a proper 4th axis toolpath here. I was looking in teh INI file for teh Kenimatics. It does NOT display a 4th toolpath and yes I did turn on 4th axis toolpathing in PP.

NOW it will show a motion in 4th when you run teh program but it is always way off center of X and way out of scale with teh rest of teh toolpathing(XYZ).

I have played with all teh setting in teh INI to no avail. I see where some of LinuxCNC users have a 4th toolpath and others that do NOT have a 4th toolpath but want it. Lots of questions asked about it but very little info on how to do it.

(;-) TP

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16 Dec 2019 18:22 #152764 by smgvbest
Replied by smgvbest on topic Create new Named Parameter
is it performing the toolpaths correctly but not displaying it correctly?
I would expect it to perform correctly as it's linuxCNC.
it may not display correctly because PP is a gui and it only shows what tormach designed it to show.and what they choose to support in thier gui

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16 Dec 2019 20:34 #152766 by Vmax549
Replied by Vmax549 on topic Create new Named Parameter
Well yes is does not display porperly BUT not all other LinuxCNC GUIs display it properly as well. I am looking for teh info to make it display correctly. Obviously there is something missing in PP that prevents it from doing so

(;-) TP

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16 Dec 2019 23:33 #152770 by smgvbest
Replied by smgvbest on topic Create new Named Parameter
have you reviewed all the developer documentation for 2.8
a few guides like HAL you need to go to the 2.7 version unless you read french

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