7i92 default firmware version and pncconf

06 Oct 2021 19:00 - 06 Oct 2021 19:01 #222391 by hwe
I am changing from an old 32-bit parallelport-PC+DIY-driver to a new 64bit-PC with ETH+7i92+ DIY-driver board setup.
I have to switch to a 64-bit machine to use the latest linuxcnc-2.8.1 version.
I want to replace my parallelport with the MESA 7i92.
The 7i92 is connected and can be read via mesaflash.

When I run the pncconf-wizard I have the following choices for 7i92-firmware:
7i76x2 with one 7i76
7i77x2 with one 7i77

I think I can just use the default firmware and config of the 7i92 - no need to flash - since I can easily connect my step/dir signals to the 7i92 as needed, due to my DIY-driver.
But what is the default firmware of the 7i92 when it is delivered from Mesa ?
Which of the above selection would match the default firmware ?

I tried to read the firmware-version with "mesaflash" - but no option is giving me the firmware version.
The mesaflash shows me the following configuration as attached in mesaflash_config.txt

I am also wondering about the numbering of the pins in the pncconf wizard I/O connector GUI - see attached in pnccofn_IOCpnnector.png. Why are they not numbered from 1,2,3,.... but using 017, 020 etc. ?

Do I really need to flash the 7i92 board or can I use the default config ?
What would be the correct setup in pncconf for the default 7i2 firmware?

I also searched the forum for a step-by-step tutorial for a 7i92 setup, but did not find a complete one.

Last edit: 06 Oct 2021 19:01 by hwe.

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06 Oct 2021 19:23 #222392 by PCW
1. I would probably re-flash with g540x2 firmware
2. You would normally use connector 2
3. The 3 digit numbers are GPIO numbers for simple input output access,
the 1 digit numbers are module numbers (like stepgen 0,1,2,3 etc)

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06 Oct 2021 19:38 #222394 by hwe
When comparing the different options in the pncconf-wizard, the best match to the default config for 7i92 seems to be "7i76x2 with one 7i76".

Is that true and can I use this config with default 7i92 firmware ?

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06 Oct 2021 19:49 #222395 by PCW
You could but it would be awkward (since bit I/O is done over the serial interface on a 7I76)

A g540x2 config (and g540x2 firmware) is a better match to a simple breakout

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06 Oct 2021 19:59 #222396 by hwe
Hmm, not really sure what you mean - I think I do not need any bit I/O serial interface.

I only need dir+step for 3 stepper-motors (xyz) and 6 GPIOs for the xyz min/max limit switches. That's all.
For 7i76 the dir/step are provided on port2 of 7i92 and the GPIOs are provided via port 1.

Do I overlook something here ?

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06 Oct 2021 20:09 #222397 by PCW
Yes, since you don't need any serial I/O, why would you use a
configuration that has it? You can do all you need on one connector

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08 Oct 2021 17:12 - 08 Oct 2021 17:15 #222563 by hwe

File Attachment:

File Name: linuxcnc.report.txt
File Size:5 KB
Hi,after finalizing my pncconf-setup and starting Linuxcnc, I get the following error:....hm2_pci: rtapi_app main: No such device (-19) ...Please see the error-report attached.What I am doing wrong ?
Last edit: 08 Oct 2021 17:15 by hwe.

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08 Oct 2021 17:30 #222566 by PCW
If you used pncconf configuration for a pci card,
you will need to change the driver name in the hal file
from hm2_pci to hm2_eth (and add the ip address to the
driver command line)

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08 Oct 2021 17:47 - 08 Oct 2021 17:47 #222567 by hwe
Like this:
loadrt hm2_eth config=" num_encoders=1 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=5 sserial_port_0=00xxxx ip="


Or which commandline you refer to ?
Last edit: 08 Oct 2021 17:47 by hwe.

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08 Oct 2021 17:54 #222570 by PCW
loadrt hm2_eth board_ip= config="some config stuff"

man hm2_eth

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