conversational input

30 Jun 2011 13:19 - 30 Jun 2011 13:35 #11003 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic Re:conversational input
Hi John

I think what he is talking about is that if you use a sub twice, with 'Create Next Feature' it runs them one after another.

However the answer to this is to get rid of the NGCGUI_OPTIONS = nonew noremove line in your .ini file

You can then create a new instance of the subroutine, in which case ngcgui runs the subs in the order that you initialise them,
as intended

Last edit: 30 Jun 2011 13:35 by ArcEye.

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30 Jun 2011 15:48 #11008 by BigJohnT
Replied by BigJohnT on topic Re:conversational input
Ok, now I understand. Thanks for the info on that, I'll add that to the manual.


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30 Jun 2011 19:59 - 30 Jun 2011 20:13 #11032 by M4MazakUser
Replied by M4MazakUser on topic Re:conversational input
sounds excellent! i'll give it a try today.


just tried it, it throws a few pickles into the mix, but i'll work on it and see what happens....

it said it couldnt find some values etc...
Last edit: 30 Jun 2011 20:13 by M4MazakUser.

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01 Jul 2011 07:06 #11037 by ArcEye
Replied by ArcEye on topic Re:conversational input

just tried it, it throws a few pickles into the mix

Yes there are some potential problems, something the second instance of the sub relies upon, could be changed by the first instance when that runs.:S

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01 Jul 2011 15:02 - 01 Jul 2011 15:09 #11041 by dgarrett
Replied by dgarrett on topic Re:conversational input
It may help to know that you can also start with multiple
tabs for the same subroutine, for example:

NGCGUI_SUBFILE = /tmp/tmpngc/one.ngc
NGCGUI_SUBFILE = /tmp/tmpngc/two.ngc
NGCGUI_SUBFILE = /tmp/tmpngc/one.ngc

These tab pages will be named: "one", "two", and "one-1"

With this configuration, you could create multiple features for each tab
and then arrange the order of the tabs. If you order them
one-1, two, one
then all the features for "one-1" will be executed, then the features
for "two", then the features for "one"

Avoid the use of _globals within subroutines or use them with
much caution.
Last edit: 01 Jul 2011 15:09 by dgarrett.

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01 Jul 2011 19:07 #11045 by M4MazakUser
Replied by M4MazakUser on topic Re:conversational input
-which is why i will eventually have to come up with another gui, i have 16 tabs on my screen -Right now!

....and that is just for od cycles..... :s

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18 Oct 2011 03:59 #14004 by M4MazakUser
Replied by M4MazakUser on topic Re:conversational input
following is a acme threading cycle for external/external threading, usung a squre sided grooving tool.
if not used with the "conversational cycles" i use, you will have to add a tool number input and drop the tool change code.


(info: ACME threading with sq tool)
o<acme> sub
; some random notes
#<ToolNumber> = #1 (= 25 Tool Num)
#<Speed> = #2 (= 300 Rpm)
#<Thd_Dia> = #3 (= 25.0 Final Dia)
#<Drv_Dia> = #4 (= 30.0 Start Dia)
#<Pitch> = #5 (= 6.35 Pitch)
#<Thd_Angle> = #6 (= 29.0 Inc Angle)
#<Cut_Depth> = #7 (= 0.1 Cut Depth)
#<Tool_Width> = #8 (= 1.6 Tool Width)
#<z_start> = #9 (= 5.0 Z Start)
#<z_end> = #10 (= -15.0 Z End)
#<Coolant> = #11 (= 8 9 is off)

; internal/external calc
O120 if [#<Thd_Dia> LT #<Drv_Dia>] ; External thread
#<Thd_Type> = 1
#<Thd_Height> = #<Drv_Dia> / 2] - [#<Thd_Dia> / 2 ; height of thd
#<Cut_Dia> = [#<Drv_Dia> - [#<Cut_Depth> * 2]]
#<Drv_Dia> = [#<Drv_Dia> + 0.2]
O120 else ; Internal Thread
#<Thd_Height> = #<Thd_Dia> / 2] - [#<Drv_Dia> / 2 ; height of thd
#<Thd_Type> = 0
#<Cut_Dia> = [#<Drv_Dia> + [#<Cut_Depth> * 2]]
#<Drv_Dia> = [#<Drv_Dia> - 0.2]
O120 endif

; do tool width error calc and depth ratio

#<Ratio_calc_1> = [#<Thd_Angle> / 2] ; half of thread included angle
#<Ratio> = tan[#<Ratio_calc_1>] ; tan value

(log,TanRatio = #<Ratio>)
#<Ratio_calc_2> = [#<Ratio> * #<Thd_Height>] ; width of 1 side relative to total depth.
#<Bottom_width> = [#<Pitch> - [#<Ratio_calc_2> * 2]/2]

O121 if [#<Tool_Width> GT #<Bottom_width>] ; tool is too wide
(MSG,Tool is too #<Tool_Width>Wide!)
(log,ToolWidth = #<Tool_Width>)
(log,BottomWidth = #<Bottom_width>)
O121 else ; All is well!

O121 endif

; Tool change
O122 if [#<_Tool:Number> NE #<ToolNumber>]
; Change Tool
M09 ; coolant off
O123 if [#<_Tool:Number> LT 20] ; front turret
G00 Z#<_Frontchange:Z>
G00 X#<_Frontchange:X>
O123 else ; Rear turret
G00 Z#<_Rearchange:Z>
G00 X#<_Rearchange:X>
O123 endif
G49 ; cancel toolength offset
T#<ToolNumber> M06
G43 G7 G97 S#<Speed>

#<_Tool:Number> = #<ToolNumber>
O122 else ; No tool change -continue.
G43 G7 G97 S#<Speed>
O122 endif

; Toolpath stuff below here

O127 if [#<Thd_Type> EQ 1] ; Thread is external
o101 while [#<Cut_Dia> GT #<Thd_Dia>]
#<mod_Z_start> = [[#<Cut_Dia> - #<Thd_Dia>]/2]
#<mod_Z_start> = [#<mod_Z_start> - #<Thd_Height>]
#<mod_Z_start> = [#<mod_Z_start> * #<Ratio>]
G00 X#<Cut_Dia>
#<Mod_Z_point> = [#<z_start> + #<mod_Z_start>] ;modZstart is negative
(log,Zpoint #<mod_Z_point>)
G33 Z#<z_end> K#<Pitch>
G00 X#<Drv_Dia>
G00 Z#<z_start>
(log,Zstart #<mod_Z_start>)
#<Current_Width> = #<Pitch> + [#<mod_Z_start> * 2/2]
(log,CurrentWidth = #<Current_Width>)

G00 X#<Cut_Dia>
#<Z_fin> = [[#<z_start> - #<Current_Width>] + #<Tool_Width>]
G01 Z#<Z_fin> F0.3
(log,Zfin #<Z_fin>)
G33 Z#<z_end> K#<Pitch>
G00 X#<Drv_Dia>
G00 Z#<z_start>

#<Cut_Dia> = [#<Cut_Dia> - [#<Cut_Depth> * 2]]
O125 if [#<Cut_Dia> LT #<Thd_Dia>] ; maximum cut
#<Cut_Dia> = #<Thd_Dia>
O125 else

O125 endif

o101 endwhile
O127 else ; Thread is internal
o102 while [#<Cut_Dia> lt #<Thd_Dia>]
#<mod_Z_start> = [[#<Cut_Dia> - #<Thd_Dia>]/2]
#<mod_Z_start> = [#<mod_Z_start> - #<Thd_Height>]
#<mod_Z_start> = [#<mod_Z_start> * #<Ratio>]
G00 X#<Cut_Dia>
#<Mod_Z_point> = [#<z_start> + #<mod_Z_start>] ;modZstart is negative
(log,Zpoint #<mod_Z_point>)
G33 Z#<z_end> K#<Pitch>
G00 X#<Drv_Dia>
G00 Z#<z_start>
(log,Zstart #<mod_Z_start>)
#<Current_Width> = #<Pitch> + [#<mod_Z_start> * 2/2]
(log,CurrentWidth = #<Current_Width>)

G00 X#<Cut_Dia>
#<Z_fin> = [[#<z_start> - #<Current_Width>] + #<Tool_Width>]
G01 Z#<Z_fin> F0.3
(log,Zfin #<Z_fin>)
G33 Z#<z_end> K#<Pitch>
G00 X#<Drv_Dia>
G00 Z#<z_start>

#<Cut_Dia> = [#<Cut_Dia> - [#<Cut_Depth> * 2]]
O125 if [#<Cut_Dia> LT #<Thd_Dia>] ; maximum cut
#<Cut_Dia> = #<Thd_Dia>
O125 else

O125 endif
(log,CutDia = #<Cut_Dia>)

o102 endwhile

O127 endif

o<acme> endsub

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06 Nov 2011 21:41 - 06 Nov 2011 23:21 #14618 by M4MazakUser
Replied by M4MazakUser on topic Re:conversational input
An updated set of lathe cycles, with many bugfixes.

Feel free to remove the auto toolchange calc, and use as a standalone cycle.

only works with 2.5 -due to tool nose radius calcs, and auto calc of toolchange point. (variables)

- i use these cycles daily, but! always check toolpath, -Trust nothing!
Last edit: 06 Nov 2011 23:21 by M4MazakUser. Reason: error in sub

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06 Nov 2011 23:22 #14620 by M4MazakUser
Replied by M4MazakUser on topic Re:conversational input
-had an error in the taper rough/finishing sub, here is the fixed version.

File Attachment:

File Name: bup_subs-7...e6f61.gz
File Size:32 KB

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11 Nov 2011 02:20 #14753 by M4MazakUser
Replied by M4MazakUser on topic Re:conversational input
a new update, now rough/finish cycles do both boring/turn od, the material diamater vs the diameter for final size determines boring/od.

File Attachment:

File Name: bup_subs-3...24e4f.gz
File Size:32 KB

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