Compiling full LinuxCNC to get realtime components for use with PathPilot 2

05 Dec 2019 20:00 #152092 by davidimurray
That's great thanks very much - will download it shortly and see how I get on.

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12 Dec 2019 16:20 #152548 by davidimurray
Just to let you know it worked great thanks

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30 Dec 2019 07:43 #153542 by DaOne
How would one get halcompile running on this? I would like to build my own components to run on this.

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29 Feb 2020 19:35 #158837 by porshe
Can someone tell where can download the Linuxcnc 2.8.0 ~ pre1 source code for Pathpilot v2.3.6 or other Pathpilot 2 versions to compile the hidcomp component? I have a constant error on different versions of Linuxcnc "This is probably because hidcomp is not compiled for this version "

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29 Feb 2020 20:16 #158838 by smgvbest

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29 Feb 2020 20:29 #158839 by smgvbest
If that does not work post here and I have 2.8.0pre1 i can put on my google drive and share

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29 Feb 2020 20:29 #158840 by porshe
Thank you I'll try to compile.

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01 Mar 2020 09:53 #158881 by porshe
smgvbest can you put 2.8.0pre1 on google drive? I tried all versions from your link do not fit. I had this when I tried to compile hidcomp on Pathpilot 1.9.8 until I found the source version from this topic

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28 Feb 2022 14:33 #236019 by sagreen

I pulled 2.8.0-pre1 some time back
if you can't find it here it is from my google drive

the way I did this was install PP V2 into a virtual machine.
I loaded both PP 2.0.5 source and 2.8.0-pre1 source
installed need dependencies then compiled 2.8.0-pre1, do not install it only compile it from the operator id,
i was then able to pull any libs I needed

compiling pp 2.0.5 from source was fun as the list of prereq was larger as they are not included in the source

hope the 2.8.0-pre1 source helps

I've been trying to compile a linuxcnc 2.8.0-pre1 using all of the examples on this thread. I am able to get the kernel and 2.8.0-pre to compile and successfully run through the tests. But when I move the executable for the xhc-hb04 pendant over to a computer running pathpilot 2.8.3 (current) I get an error complaining about not finding a shared library...

operator@tormachpcnc:~/tmc/bin$ ./xhc-hb04
./xhc-hb04: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

When I compile 2.8.0-pre1 on a computer running pathpilot 2.8.3 I get the following error complaining about shared memory.. (note, it runs from the command line just fine)

halcmd -i /home/operator/tmc/configs/tormach_mill/tormach_1100-3_sim.ini -f xhc-hb04.hal
sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name: System Product Name
rtapi_shmem_new failed due to shmget(key=0x48414c32): Invalid argument
HAL: ERROR: could not open shared memory
xhc-hb04: ERROR: hal_init failed
xhc-hb04.hal:1: waitpid failed xhc-hb04 xhc-hb04
xhc-hb04.hal:1: xhc-hb04 exited without becoming ready
HALCMD ini file /home/operator/tmc/configs/tormach_mill/tormach_1100-3_sim.ini load failed with config file xhc-hb04.hal

Has anyone got these binaries running on the current version of PathPilot?



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