Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib

08 Nov 2023 19:34 #284894 by Grotius
Replied by Grotius on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
Hi Joco,

Sooo impressed with what is being done here!
Thank you very much !
It's not easy.

I am trying to get a test machine set up to actually try this on real hardware.
Ok that would be nice !
I hope you can see the scurve magic on real hardware soon.

Did another test with a plasma file. Not 100% ok, but good for now.
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08 Nov 2023 20:10 - 08 Nov 2023 20:11 #284896 by Joco
Replied by Joco on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
Build failing again. Can't build linuxcnc using normal make or cmake.

have you done any changes to break the standard /src build? i.e. does it work for you?

I have just spun up a net clean Debian12 VM, cloned the repo, covered all the dependencies and no joy per above.

Not sure what the issue really is.  Appears to be trying to use a directory or open a file in a place it can't?
Warning: Spoiler!

The cmake issue is truely odd.  The same gtk issue as before but the libgtk-3-dev is installed!
Warning: Spoiler!
Last edit: 08 Nov 2023 20:11 by Joco.
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08 Nov 2023 20:13 #284897 by tommylight
Replied by tommylight on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib

Sooo impressed with what is being done here!   

And i am still looking from the sideline, no time to test ... and i have best of both worlds, plenty of plasma machines and a 3.5 ton Mazak lathe, would love to give those a run with this.
I am dreading the fact that if this works as Grotius and Beef are hell bent on making it, i may have to go and install this on all existing machines, over 20 of ... oh s#iiiiiiiiittt !
:) :) :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Grotius, Beef

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08 Nov 2023 20:34 - 08 Nov 2023 21:01 #284898 by Joco
Replied by Joco on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
Hang fire - I may have fixed it.
Half fixed.   There is a missing 'bin' directory int he repo root.  I added that by hand and the normal /src compile now completes.
Axis will not start due to linkage to new planner. Qtdragon sim works.

Had to fix a bunch of other missing dependencies that are not caught or obviously documented as part of linuxcnc build script. Installing linuxcnc-uspace-dev solved them.

However the gtk error continues.
Last edit: 08 Nov 2023 21:01 by Joco.

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08 Nov 2023 20:38 #284899 by Grotius
Replied by Grotius on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
Hi Joco,

Ok i will install a vm tomorrow and try it out.
Then i can see my self what has to be done.

Gtk error:
If you want to avoid the gtk includes, just outcomment the classicladder in the ~/cmake/cmakelists.txt
We don't need classicladder for now. Like this :  # add_subdirectory(${SRC_DIR}/classicladder)

I think we use the gtk2 version in the cmake, you could change this to gtk3.

now in classicladder cmake file:
add this line:

Installing :
At my place, the make command runs ok. then sudo make setuid and done.
Then i start a axis config and it runs.

Good luck !!

Hopely tomorrow cmake runs as a charm on a vm.

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08 Nov 2023 20:46 #284900 by Grotius
Replied by Grotius on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
@ Hi Joco,
The git is updated, but for the gtk3 thing, i will fix that tomorrow.
You have to check a few cmakefiles if you want to change the gtk version yourself.
And take your time. We will fix the installation for you. Thanks for your efforts so far.

@ Hi Tommy,
Installed on all your machines...
I hope this will be the outcome of our work eventually. Cheers!

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08 Nov 2023 21:08 #284902 by Joco
Replied by Joco on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib

sudo apt install libgtk2.0-dev

I wasn't aware gtk2 was needed I had the impression from early in the thread that gtk3 was the depdency.

Cheers - j.

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09 Nov 2023 00:35 - 09 Nov 2023 00:57 #284912 by Joco
Replied by Joco on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
Have axis config working on the plasma machine. Just movement no cutting. Qtplasmac on 2.10 has broken. Some UI startup issue. QTDragon working fine.

Anyway been trying to get the feel of the max jerk settings. Currently running twice max acceleration which happens to be half max speed.

Any advice on what the max jerk number is doing could be useful to help dial things in.

The lag on direction change on sharp corners is bit of a problem for plasma. So hoping tunible with jerk settings. 

I will also try and trap some of the debug info going to screen. I have had one total machine freeze and axis go unresponsive multiple times.

Last edit: 09 Nov 2023 00:57 by Joco.

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09 Nov 2023 03:36 - 09 Nov 2023 03:52 #284914 by Joco
Replied by Joco on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
Some testing done.
Linucnc plasma test file, Metric Spanner.  Acceleration 3000mm/s/s, Feed rate 7000mm/min.  max_jerk=6000

Standard Planner
Notice the vibration in the torch head from the sharp changes at high acceleration.

Notice the pauses at various points.  These are very bad for plasma and on spinning tooling (mills) will cause rubbing and will dull tools.

S-Curve freezing - requiring power cycle of mesa card and PC to get working again:


please let me know what else I can look at or if you need some kind of logs captured

cheers - J
Last edit: 09 Nov 2023 03:52 by Joco.
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09 Nov 2023 10:06 - 09 Nov 2023 10:06 #284926 by rodw
Replied by rodw on topic Trajectory Planner using Ruckig Lib
In your screen dump I noticed nan = not a number so perhaps a null pointer has been passed.
I was a bit disappointed  with the pauses when cutting. I suspect that they may be due to our implementation. The Plasmac spanner is a very simple file.
Last edit: 09 Nov 2023 10:06 by rodw.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Grotius, Beef

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