Raspberry Pi 4

29 Jul 2019 11:44 #140881 by tecno
Replied by tecno on topic Raspberry Pi 4
That looks very fine to me. Even if it is a bit sluggish but it does what it is told to do.

So Pi4 and MESA Ethernet board looks to be a good solution as I/O s are on the Mesa side.

Hopefully somebody can run some more on Pi4 and onboard I/O so we can see what it can do.
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03 Aug 2019 21:46 #141300 by Bari
Replied by Bari on topic Raspberry Pi 4
Great work! Thank you!

We will work on getting the latest 3D graphics drivers and getting a Gentoo ISO going with latest Linuxcnc for the pi4.

Maybe someone else can work on Debian/Raspian packages for this.

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03 Aug 2019 22:55 #141305 by Gene1934
Replied by Gene1934 on topic Raspberry Pi 4

That looks very fine to me. Even if it is a bit sluggish but it does what it is told to do.

So Pi4 and MESA Ethernet board looks to be a good solution as I/O s are on the Mesa side.

Hopefully somebody can run some more on Pi4 and onboard I/O so we can see what it can do.


The problem with the ethernet mesa board is its cost.

I, OTOH, have been working on debian-arm, which has the advantage of using grub to select the boot. Unforch I cannot seem to shut the screenblanker in lightdm off as it locks it, in 5 or 6 minutes using the lightdm-login-greeter as the unlocking job.

To top that off, lightdm-greeter has a problem with user 1000's passwd, only recognizing it for certain phases of the moon. Most frustrating, and from the responses I get from arm questions on the debian-user mailing list, I have to assume that I am the only one on this planet trying to run it. Very discouraging to say it politely.

So, can you please describe gentoo's boot methods please, u-boot or grub. Maybe I can figure out a way to use it.

Thank you.

Cheers, Gene

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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04 Aug 2019 15:45 #141342 by wicki
Replied by wicki on topic Raspberry Pi 4
> Hopefully somebody can run some more on Pi4 and onboard I/O so we can see what it can do.

I've made a few changes in the hal_gpio-driver an now I am testing it with
the PI4, stepgen/gpio, RT-linux (kernel 4.19.50-rt22-v7l+ #2 SMP PREEMPT RT )
on a 4 axis machine.
It seems to work - but with "period" below 200000 I get "unexpeted rt-delay"-warnings.

So more than 5kHz ist not saftely posssible for me - even with a PI4.
Maybe, I find a way to reduce the delay the next days...

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04 Aug 2019 16:26 #141349 by Hakan
Replied by Hakan on topic Raspberry Pi 4
If you haven't done so already, bring down the wlan0 interface. It might help.

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04 Aug 2019 18:34 #141358 by Bari
Replied by Bari on topic Raspberry Pi 4
If you have the time, please post your output from "glxinfo".

Thank you.

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04 Aug 2019 21:25 #141371 by svanteg
Replied by svanteg on topic Raspberry Pi 4
Hi all, just wanted to let you know that I have the Mesa 7i90HD working (first results - just the card itself) on SPI on RPI4.

Following the instructions posted here I got PREEMPT RT 4.19.59 running. I started with buster lite and had a "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d" in /boot/config.txt that I had to comment out to get HDMI output on this kernel.

I flashed the 7i90 with an SPI bitfile on a PC over EPP. Then connected it to the first SPI (SPI0 CE0) as described elsewhere on this site.

I had to modify spi_common_rpspi.h:
diff --git a/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/spi_common_rpspi.h b/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/spi_common_rpspi.h
index 56fe93eb8..58b30fbbd 100644
--- a/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/spi_common_rpspi.h
+++ b/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/spi_common_rpspi.h
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 #define BCM2835_AUX_END                (BCM2835_AUX_BASE + sizeof(bcm2835_aux_t))
 #define BCM2709_OFFSET         0x1F000000      // For RPI 2 and 3
+#define BCM2711_OFFSET          0xDE000000      // For RPI 4
 #if !defined(__I) && !defined(__O) && !defined(__IO)
 #ifdef __cplusplus

...and hm2_rpspi.c:
diff --git a/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/hm2_rpspi.c b/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/hm2_rpspi.c
index 116d6ca69..e70657d07 100644
--- a/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/hm2_rpspi.c
+++ b/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/hm2_rpspi.c
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ typedef struct hm2_rpspi_struct {
 typedef enum {
        RPI_1,          // Version 1
-       RPI_2           // Version 2 and 3
+       RPI_2,          // Version 2 and 3
+       RPI_4
 } platform_t;
 static uint32_t *peripheralmem = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED;       // mmap'ed peripheral memory
@@ -909,6 +910,9 @@ static int peripheral_map(void)
        case RPI_2:     // for RPI 3 too
                membase += BCM2709_OFFSET;
+       case RPI_4:
+               membase += BCM2711_OFFSET;
+               break;
                rtapi_print_msg(RPSPI_ERR, "hm2_rpspi: Platform not supported\n");
                return -1;
@@ -1137,6 +1141,9 @@ static platform_t check_platform(void)
                                case 2: //bcm2837
                                        rv = RPI_2;     // peripheral base is same on pi2/3
+                               case 3:
+                                 rv = RPI_4;
+                                 break;

...as RPI4 has yet another iobase than RPI 2 & 3. Don't know if BCM2711 makes sense as a label, I just picked it from the kernel defconfig prefix.

Hopefully this saves someone else some time to get going with this combination.

Again, just first results I have only tested running the default gcode in Axis without anything like stepper drivers connected using the 7i90 template ini/hal. Seems stable at 20.834 MHz using 150mm clip on test wires. No realtime excursions reported.


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04 Aug 2019 22:39 #141374 by PCW
Replied by PCW on topic Raspberry Pi 4
Thanks for posting that
Its nice that the RPI4s SPI hardware is compatible with the
RPI3's and only needs a different base address.

Have you tried mesaflash on the RPI4? I does work on the RPI3 though the
syntax is not obvious...

github.com/jethornton/mesaflash has some added SPI help text and
support for about 6 new boards including the RPI3/4 compatible 7C80/7C81

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05 Aug 2019 06:09 #141398 by Hakan
Replied by Hakan on topic Raspberry Pi 4

If you have the time, please post your output from "glxinfo".

Thank you.

Here is the output from my pi

File Attachment:

File Name: glx.txt
File Size:69 KB
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05 Aug 2019 06:14 #141399 by Bari
Replied by Bari on topic Raspberry Pi 4
Just got a Rpi 4 up and running today.


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